Thursday, September 3, 2020
America the land of opportunity Essay Example
America the place that is known for fresh chances to succeed Essay Example America the place that is known for fresh chances to succeed Paper America the place that is known for fresh chances to succeed Paper The dynamic period, being known for change of political defilement, wellbeing laws, and work laws all accompanied the enduring of thousands. A considerable lot of these changes were at the torment of the foreigners that came to America looking for a superior life. In â€Å"The Jungle†by Upton Sinclair, we are brought to the torment and pain of the dynamic time through Jurgis and his family. Through this family we are taken to Packingtown in Chicago to see the impacts of progressivism on the countries enterprises and foreigner families. In Sinclair’s, â€Å"The Jungle†we are indicated the dynamic era’s impacts on settlers and their families which lead to the making of numerous laws we have today. Worker families came to America looking for new open doors through the possibility that America was a spot to succeed perhaps become affluent and give a superior life to their families. â€Å"It was Jonas who proposed that they all go to America, where a companion of his had gotten rich. He would work as far as it matters for him, and the ladies would work, and a portion of the kids, without a doubt they would live in some way or another. †(Sinclair 22) Every Immigrant who came to America accepted that America was the place that is known for new chances at life. Between the years nineteen hundred and nineteen hundred and twenty, more than fourteen million Immigrants had come to America to improve their lives. After showing up in the United States huge numbers of the foreigners had a fantasy that the cash would start to stream in and their fantasies would work out. Other than the chance to bring in cash the majority of the Immigrants fled their previous lifestyles to get away from the lack of land, and political and strict abuse with the expectation that America could liberate them from all of difficulties of their country. â€Å"†¦Employment for tons of men, of chance and opportunity, of life and love and delight. At the point when they left away, affectionately intertwined, Jurgis was stating, ’tomorrow I will go there and find a new line of work! ’†(Sinclair 29) Many fantasized securing extraordinary positions when showing up in America. This fantasy was immediately obliterated when future laborers started searching for occupations. Genuine landing positions were certainly feasible but rather for Immigrants these occupations that they had the option to gain were not extraordinary employments. They were occupations that necessary little aptitude and significantly more centered around endurance. These backbreaking occupations were intense and didn't ease up. Without the work laws and help from the American Federation of Labor (AFL)- and huge numbers of its auxiliaries (I. e. UMWA, IWW, NCL)- that we have today-restricting the sum we work and a set the lowest pay permitted by law a large number of the settlers worked twelve hour days, seven days every week for an insignificant twelve dollars and fifty pennies per week. That’s a fourteen-penny time-based compensation. This is appeared in Jurgis’ family for which with the end goal for them to get a house and conceivably get hitched, Jurgis’ spouse, Ona, needs to likewise find a new line of work. The outsider ladies were likewise a significant piece of the workforce in the migrant plants. Alongside dealing with youngsters ladies would work in sewing industrial facilities for a little six to seven dollar week after week wage for a similar measure of hours that a man would work. These sewing industrial facilities were similarly as risky as some other processing plant with packed shops, filled machines that would frequently harm and potentially slaughter these women. A considerable lot of these women when they got pregnant, perhaps, would need to come back to work just seven days subsequent to conceiving an offspring so as to hold their employments. â€Å"This was increasingly pitiless yet for Ona, who should have remained at home and breast fed him, the specialist stated, for her own wellbeing just as the baby’s; yet Ona needed to go to work. †(Sinclair 107) In The Jungle, Ona gets pregnant and accomplishes come back to work just seven days, leaving her with a delicate body that has not totally mended. She loses her employment and goes into the final hotel of prostitution which a significant number of dynamic women turned to so as to beat the free enterprise society that they thought their fantasies were made of. The aftereffect of the ladies testimonial and constrained prostitution in the mid nineteen hundreds prompted the production of the New York State Factory Investigation Commission (FIC) setting the standard for manufacturing plants to confine hours that ladies could work in the industrial facilities and make more secure working conditions. The FIC not just assisted the ladies when the new century rolled over yet in addition made the lives of numerous kids better. The youngsters before the hour of the FIC additionally had numerous difficulties to manage. In spite of the fact that being illicit for youngsters younger than sixteen to work numerous families so as to make due in the mechanical wilderness of America. Settler families regularly lied about their children’s age to get them out of schools and into the work environment. â€Å"The law had no effect with the exception of that it constrained individuals to lie about the times of their youngsters. †(Sinclair 68) This was regularly vital for families to get their kids through the mechanical beast of large business so as to potentially get an opportunity at their own American long for circumstances. The kids frequently worked in the equivalent unsafe spots that the grown-up people would work. The states of these production lines were abnormal. Manure plants were hazardous with a considerable lot of the laborers potentially falling into the machines and would wind up themselves part of the compost. At the point when Sinclair composed The Jungle, he said that he was composing the novel to contact the American heart yet in the public arena really perusing his novel he hit their stomachs more than anything. Through Sinclair’s muckraking strategies in uncovering the deceptive methods of the meat pressing industry he demonstrated how â€Å"meat so ruined it couldn't be utilized for anything else†(133) it is utilized to make frankfurter and how the rodent issue was awful to the point that when they kicked the bucket from harmed bread â€Å"the rodents and the harmed bread alongside the meat would be assembled in the containers. †(135) After the distribution of Sinclair’s all to genuine novel, the American open just as the legislature would partake in examining the meat pressing industry. Legitimately identified with the tales told in The Jungle, President Roosevelt announced the Meat Inspection Act which made the division of agribusiness liable for examining and naming meat. One of the principle reasons that there was debasement any path all through these enterprises is the way that they depended on a free enterprise method of business. Private enterprise was the manner in which the organizations worked in which the organizations would harvest the entirety of the benefits while just paying the laborers the absolute minimum. The business controlled the economy and through social Darwinism or â€Å"survival of the fittest†the main individuals bringing in any cash were the entrepreneurs. Sinclair regularly alludes to his trust in communism and aversion of private enterprise as a method of bringing down the effect of social Darwinism and take the economy back to the legislature and the administration back to the individuals. The discussion of the free enterprise methods of the organizations lead to numerous rough strikes that lead to trouble among organizations and its laborers. Through the battling and enduring of the early century settlers of the dynamic time we presently have numerous laws and guidelines that we as a whole underestimate today. Sinclair through his works in The Jungle has gave us that through the lives of Immigrant families what we may have needed to live with on the off chance that they didn't experience the strife of free enterprise huge business. The laws and guidelines set because of the testimonial in the dynamic time and Sinclair’s muckraking make our carries on with substantially more agreeable and more advantageous. Simply envision without the progressions of mid nineteenth century progressivism we to could be working eighty-four hour work-weeks and having infected rodents and meat for supper. Book index : Bibliography 1. Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Bantam, 1906 2. Faragher, John. Out of Many: A History of American People. third ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Political Relations Between USA and Mexico â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine about thePolitical Sciencefor Relations Between USA and Mexico. Answer: Presentation Mexico-United States relations would be characterized as the outside relations among the United Mexican States and the United Stated of America. These two nations share a nautical and the land outskirt in North America and have delighted in a remarkable and thriving relationship over the previous decades. It was expressed by a notable power that the year 2015 would be started close by from a visit to Washington, D.C. Additionally, it would set out on some creative habits wherein Mexico and the US could fortify their bon so as to make North America the most prosperous and serious zone far and wide (Villarreal, 2016). The scope of U.S.- Mexican connections was wide and goes farther than political and civil servant affiliations. It requires wide-running benefit making, instructive, and learning ties, with certain 1.4 billion dollars of business which work the two different ways and a huge number of legal fringe intersections consistently (U.S. Branch of State, 2017). It was in the year 2013, when the Vice President Biden and his Mexican system coordinating parts set up a High Level Economic Dialog (HLED). It was propelled to additionally raise and fortify the U.S. Mexico shared gainful and budgetary affiliation. The HLED was additionally anticipated as a unique stage which was expected to progress arranged monetary and productive principle concerns focal so as to support joint financial turn of events, work structure, and seriousness (Grobe, 2014). Mexico was seen to be the second-biggest market for trade in US (after Canada) and third-biggest accomplice to work together (after Canada and China). It was in the year 2013, that the common business for merchandise and enterprises expanded upto $550 billion. The U.S. showcase flexibly additionally has been believed to be tremendously reliant upon the fares of Mexico, however the nation has likewise required extending its places for send out (Nieto, 2015). So also, the outskirt region which was portrayed as the 10 U.S. also, Mexican fringe states represents a shared occupant circuitous 100 million people and the universes fourth biggest country. Coordinated effort among the two countries next to the outskirt contains the state and neighborhood issue-settling techniques; delivering readiness; and collaboration in associations that focus on asset, environmental factors, and medical issues. Be that as it may, both the nations have a long past of help on environmental and normal asset issues, explicitly in the outskirt district, where there have been serious biological issues brought about by quick populace advancement, urbanization and industrialization. The relationship which exists between the two nations likewise has teamed up about to start giving media communications benefits in the provincial fringes for over 50 years. Be that as it may, the current fringe contracts have explained its region unfathomably as now it incorporates versatile broadband administrations likewise, for example, PDAs, and same electronic methods. Legitimate and Illegal Migration In this way, inside the broad domain of the relationship which exists among US and Mexico, there has been a significant issue which stays alive among the two nations for example the movement of the Mexican occupants to US for work. At the focal point of America's unlawful relocation emergency was the way that unlawful movement was a job of legal relocation. As legal movement has been loose, unlawful relocation has delayed next to it. As they have been considered as two of a kind (Edwards, 2006). The relationship among the two nations was at the focal point of a fierce political disagreement regarding movement, business and national security. The current President for example Donald Trump accused Mexico of stealing U.S. employments and vows to build an enormous, striking, compelling divider to confine attackers and crooks from stumbling the 1,951-mile outskirt among the nations. In the interim, the ex-President Obama, while censuring the scourge of maltreatment from Mexican medication collusions, and guarded the U.S.- Mexico relations, by expressing that the primary character of the US was fashioned by Mexican-Americans who have shaped the way of life, government, exchange (Karaim, 2017). The consolidated perspectives underlined the multifaceted bunches and creating tensions among the two nations, a rising budgetary authority with an expanding white collar class however a state pained by supporting pay off and continuous medication related maltreatment. Thus, at whatever point issues identified with movement were being discussed then the time of nineteenth century was being concentrated as it was a valuable period. As, this timeframe set out the inception of the patterns of movement that have end up being noteworthy in the course of the last 50 years, as they were isolated by elevated levels of both legal and unlawful relocation (American Diplomacy, 2012). In this manner, relocation from Mexico had been of essential significance in the initial 3 many years of the twentieth century, however the Great disheartening toppled the stream during the nineteenth century, with Mexicans and Mexican-Americans streaming southward either by pick or weight. This inclination toppled itself again with the foundation of World War II (Wooldridge, s2010). In 1942, the legislatures of the two nations started the bracero plan to get Mexican representatives onto American homesteads; in this way an arrangement of legal movement was opened as it would allow a huge number of Mexican guys legitimately to enter the US consistently. Moreover, unlawful movement started to send space rocket to a huge number of people every year, a number that contained females and children, instead of the roughly exclusively male nature of the legal relocation (Bean Cushing, 2000). Likewise, the prevalence of hostile to relocation feeling was seen in 1976, when Congressional endorsement of Law 94-571 revised the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act once. President around then additionally admitted to the point that it would impactsly affect Mexico, by founding a quantitative limitation of 20,000 perpetual citizenship grants for all nations in USA, falling perceived Mexican relocation by 60%. Modest Labor However, the vagueness that continued to allow Mexican movement to create was that no application to propel disciplines on the interest of US enterprises for undocumented work was allowed. The progressions in this manner built up a free outperform for utilizing, and supervisors depended on old and imaginative frameworks, just as those developed by transients themselves, to meet their needs of the common laborers. Dynamically more in the administrations segment the budgetary movement end up being progressively deliberate and occupations as they were the prevalence all the more low maintenance undertakings. As expanding number of females fixed the work showcase so the faculty that had been moved to the industrialized segment needed to reorder, separating open the most thought little of and undeveloped works in the area. This activity started to be involved significantly with Mexican displaced person workers, regardless of whether perceived or not. In any case, the creative high aptitude administrations division demanded committed and generously compensated representatives, yet in addition required a huge figure of insufficiently paid manual laborers, the two residents and displaced people, extra expanding the delineation of the working representatives. Medication Trafficking On the issues of the relations of the two nations were being censured by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) association as it just serves the enthusiasm of the American occupants, while building the rich progressively wealthier and just conceding inconsequential, in nature isolated premiums to the denied in Mexico (Roldan, 2015). In spite of the fact that NAFTA guaranteed to decrease movement toward the north, extended FDI, and instigated aggregate monetary riches in Mexico, such results have not turned up. All things considered, this association has given profoundly to a solitary market in explicit for example the unlawful medication exchange (McKibben, 2015). Before twentieth century, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI government assigned the primary medication dealing associations (DTOs) into its corporate plan. This affiliation was set up to be similarly useful as the PRI accomplished steadiness by maintaining the matter of medication by approving few associations of medication industry (Finckenauer, Fuentes Ward, 2017). These associations got advantage from the political power given to them, and furthermore the exorbitant continues accessible in the matter of medication. However, this change has formed an inventive hazard. However, the association was altered basically by separating and growing their unlawful activities past the matter of medication to fuse grabbing, coercion, and so on. In show disdain toward the triumph of NAFTA in heightening U.S.- Mexican organizations, its breakdowns have in the long run irritated the current business of medication. End Along these lines, toward the end it could be finished up and seen that the long fringe stripe separating the two nations was a zone like no other in both the nations. From one perspective, the zone includes a high measure of cross-national social and productive consolidation and a custom of transboundary hitches. Then again, the overall limit isolates nations having incredibly unique political frameworks and levels of financial power, with the two capitals remote from the zones. Be that as it may, it was reasoned that the Mexican movement to the US has designed the biggest one-sided relocation framework on the globe. The harshness of the money related, supporting and public terms in which the migration of Mexico to the US happens loads an evaluation of the entirety of the advancement structures material in the two nations. Likewise, the North American answer was fundamental to decide the issues that the nation was before as an outcome of the matter of medication. Be that as it may, the Political transformation in Mexico likewise got encounters with changes land and water law, and so forth. What's more, these inventive arrangements were all the while being counseled inside Mexico, and th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research project would - Library System Essay Example for Free
Research task would Library System Essay Most importantly I offer my sincerest appreciation to our teacher Mr. Marlon M. Sumait who has upheld me all through my proposal with his understanding and information. In my every day work I have been honored with a neighborly and bright cohort and companions who helped me in the field of information assortment and programming my framework. Unique gratitude to my cousin Richard S. Pasuquin (Web designer at IT Easy programming Solution at Quezon City Philippines) for the provision in my postulation in the field of codes and a few encodings made. Presentation Schools set the different instructive changes to accomplish the present degree of training in different nations. As a result of the developing quantities of PC clients, this turned into a compelling medium to exhibit the information and aptitudes of the understudies. From the conventional scanning process for the books in the libraries, the intelligent utilization of PCs can be presently tended to as a major aspect of the library framework. Foundation and Problem Statement In the point of the colleges to flexibly the vital materials to their understudies, the possibility of library the board framework is presents. This includes the usage for handling, getting to and recovering the data that can adequately bolster the procedure of student’s learning, dynamic and academically approaches. In light of the sorted out methodology and orderly administration of the data, the openness and recovery in the library can be simple. List of chapters Part TITLE PAGE Cover sheet I Affirmation ii List of chapters iii Degree And Delimitation iv I. Presentation 1 1.1 Relevant Findings 2 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 Objective (Significance of Study) 1.3 Methodology 4 II. Structure of Thesis 1.4 Data Flow Diagram 5 1.5 Case Study(Library System Codings)- 6 1.5.0 LOG IN FORM CODINGS 7 1.5.1 MAIN FORM CODINGS 8-9 1.5.2 BOOK LIST 10-11 1.5.3 ADDING BOOKS 12-13 1.5.4 CHOOSE STUDENT 14-15 1.5.5 BORROWING BOOKS 16-19 1.5.6 EDIT BOOKS 20-21 1.5.7 RETURNED BOOKS 22-23 1.5.7 ADDING USER’S 22-23
Breaking down A SPREADSHEET AND PRESENTING A BUSINESS REPORT - Case Study Example From the reference information gave by the business, there are 4 sorts of natural product squeezes that are ready to move. Each kind of juice has two fluctuations in size, one in 375ml and another in 750ml. As indicated by the business counts introduced in the spreadsheet diagrams, the natural product juices vary in the quantity of deals they draw in. The difference could be for the most part because of, prominence of a sort of organic product juice among purchasers or the cost per container for each. Notwithstanding, different elements may apply contingent upon the market of activity for the business. By looking at the rotate table diagrams against the business counts over the five weeks, orange and mandarin are believed to have higher deals. As the weeks progress, deals for the two kinds of organic product juices are believed to extend farther than the other two. This shows portable application based advertising was progressively worthy when contrasted with messages as well as writings. In contrast to the messages or messages, the portable applications introduced more advantages to the retailers purchasing the organic product juices. That is, a retailer would have the option to design an update, submit a request and track client arranges directly from their cell phones. Messages and messages, then again, would just effectively act as updates. If not spread out relatively, the messages and instant messages would handily get annoying and obstinate to the retail purchasers. From the diagrams, the purchasers would incline toward being reminded through a cell phone portable applicatio n. In the fourth week showcasing system, a two-for-one technique was presented on mandarin organic product juice. From the turn table, the deals for the mandarin natural product juice are seen to reliably increment from the subsequent week: Little change is seen on the deals at the fourth or fifth week. A further glance at the deals for mandarin juice uncovers that, however the item made more deals that apple and grapefruit juice, it was selling less than impressive. That is, the two-for-one approach didn't affect the deals upwards as would be normal. Reason
Friday, August 21, 2020
Target Corporation Essay Example for Free
Target Corporation Essay Target Corporation is one of America’s greatest enterprises as indicated by Fortune 500. Target is a retailer that works general product and food rebate stores. Being one of the greatest and one of the main retailers in the America, Target appreciates a solid market position to advance market openings and adds to their dealing power. Here are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) investigation of Target Corporation. Qualities 1. Advance innovation expanded client inclination for Internet shopping. 2. Target Corporation keeps on growing by reporting their arrangement to open more stores in Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles. 3. Target Corporation is the second greatest concession retailer in United States. 4. Target Bulls eye logo is perceive by Ninety-seven percent of American customers. 5. Target is the main gift voucher merchant than some other retailer in the United States. 6. Target is opening 220 stores in Canada, which is the main worldwide extension. Shortcoming 1. Target stores don't sell guns and tobacco items. 2. Target settled to diminish their exchanges on all provisions having polyvinyl chloride. 3. Target Corporation got analysis and debate from individuals from the gay and lesbian network for their gifts to hostile to gay gatherings. 4. Negative exposure in 2004, when Target chose to square Salvation Army from looking for gifts at its stores. 5. Target Corporation doesn't have the preferred position seriously because of more significant expenses than different retailers do. Openings 1. Enterprise positioned at number 38 in Fortune 500 starting at 2012 (Fortune, 2012). 2. Target positioned number 64 on Corporate Responsibility Magazine rundown of 100 Best Corporate Citizens (CRM, 2012). 3. Target positioned number 25 on Fortune magazine rundown of World’s Most Admired Companies (Fortune, 2012). 4. Target got a score of 100 from The Human Rights Campaign on its 2013 Corporate Equality Index (Human, 2012). 5. Target positioned number 30 on DiversityInc magazine rundown of Top 50 Companies for Diversity (DiversityInc, 2012). 6. Target positioned 28 in America’s Top 50 Organizations for Multicultural Business Opportunities by (DiversityBusiness, 2012). 7. Target positioned number 22 on Forbes magazine and the Reputation Institute rundown of America’s Most Reputable Companies (Smith, 2012). 8. Universum positioned Target number 38 on its Ideal Employer List as studied by American MBAs, and number 28 as reviewed by American st udents (Light, 2012). 9. Target positioned among the 2012 Best Companies for Hourly Workers by Working Mother Media (Working, 2012). 10. The National Conference on Citizenship and Points of Light, in organization with Bloomberg LP, positioned Target number 16 on the primary far reaching positioning of the Civic 50 (Bloomberg, 2012). 11. Newsweek magazine positioned Target number 85 out of 500 on its U.S. Green Rankings 2012 (Newsweek, 2012). 12. Target scored a 87 B on the 2012 Carbon Disclosure Project SP 500 Report, an expansion more than 2011 positioning score of 77 C (Carbon, 2012). 13. Target named to the 2012 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World Index (Dow, 2012). 14. Target named an individual from the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2012 Million Dollar Club for its promise to provider assorted variety and Hispanic Business Enterprises (USHCC, 2012). 15. Target named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute (Ethisphere, 2012). 16. Target named as one of the Top Corporation for Women’s Business Enterprises by The Women’s Business Enterprise N ational Council (WBENC, 2012). 17. Recovering of generally speaking economy is commendable open door for Target Corporation since it will flood prerequisite for the items. Dangers 1. Target Corporation contending with Wal-Mart, Kmart, and different retailers. 2. The Attorney General and 20 California District Attorneys documented a case in Alameda County guaranteeing that Target has been unlawfully dumping risky squanders in landfill on June 2009. 3. Client recognition that Target Corporation items are more exorbitant than different retailers. The qualities and openings are the most important pieces of SWOT investigation that cause financial specialists to put resources into Target Corporation. On January 13, 2011, Target proclaimed its first worldwide venture into Canada and it causes the financial specialists to be energized for the open doors for this organization to do well to universally. Also, Target Corporations keep on being perceived, position, and granted by various magazines and relationship for being perhaps the best organization in the United States. Those acknowledgments and grants make the enterprise increasingly significant and that estimation of the organization and their name has advertising significance that give them backbone for quite a long time to come (Target, 2012). Partners are gatherings of individuals who have an enthusiasm for an organization or business association. Inward partners are those individuals from the business association, for example, proprietors, directors, staffs, and workers. In any case, outer partners are not part of the organization, for example, clients, providers, network, and government. Each inward partner has their own needs and trusting that the organization can give or satisfy their need. For some proprietors, their business in their greatest resource and proprietor will ensure it to make sure about his/her budgetary f uture. For greater partnership like Target, they ensure they adhere to the national and nearby law to maintain a strategic distance from claim and terrible exposure. Investor is a person that own portions of stock in the organization along these lines they have option to decide on choice about the association. Investor essential need is to build the estimation of their stocks and improve their incentive in the organization by purchasing more stocks to have greater impact on the choice inside the organization. Directors and workers needs are nearly the equivalent. They need employer stability with benefits, great compensation, medical coverage, and adaptability. Likewise, the most significant requirements for every interior partner is benefit since this is the main thrust that control the fate of the organization and can give the entirety of the them their own needs. Outside partner needs are unique in relation to the inner partner since interior partner is the one giving and satisfying to fulfill outer partner needs. Clients are the most significant partners since they are the main explanation that we have efficient Target Corporation. Clients have such a significant number of requirements that administrators and representatives attempting to give to them as much as could reasonably be expected. Client needs are neighborly agent, rebate costs, nature of items, polished skill, and extraordinary client administrations. Provider most significant needs are to have a decent business relationship with the companies since it gives them steadiness on their own association. Network needs is to improve their own locale for making work, good cause association and by expanding the estimation of their locale. Target Corporation can give it to them since they can make a large number of employments in the network and giving assets to various associations inside nearby networks. Government needs from Target Corporation is for them to help the network by giving occupations, gifts to good cause and above all else is for the organization to follow the administration arrangements and guidelines. Target Corporation in the most parts satisfied most if not the entirety of the partner needs. Target Corporation is one of the greatest and effective organizations in United States so the proprietors and investors needs of benefits, strength, and money related security are effectively meets. For directors and workers, the organization gave them adaptability, medical advantages, retirement plan, disaster protection, get-away, rebate, for example, 10% for part and childcare, inability inclusion, preparing and advancement assets, profession arranging and choice for bunch lawful arrangement. For people group partner, Target Corporation gave 5% of Target’s benefit to nearby networks. They have organization with network association, for example, Diversity Best Practices, The Executive Leadership Council, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility and NAACP. What's more, they urged their colleague to chip in their time, ability, and gifts to help the network ventures. For government partner, Target Corporation has a solid association with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help debacle endeavors. They likewise have wellbeing and readiness organization to other taxpayer supported organization, for example, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and American Red Cross. For provider partner, they effectively connect with different provider to help all segment of the organization. Likewise, they create various provider associations with Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Natio nal Minority Supplier Development Council, National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, and National Veteran Owned Business Association. For client who is the most significant partner, Target Corporation gives them quality items, remarkable help, serious value, number of choice, best qualities, and comfort shopping. Generally, Target Corporation addresses partner issues. I am certain they are scarcely any individuals feel that their needs are not met or fulfilled the manner in which they need it however you can't fulfill everyone. The significant thing is Target Corporation keeps on looking on how they can improve to help their partner. They keep on propelling consumer loyalty study, ask their representatives, and work with the legislature and networks to improve their organization relationship with partners and this is the way Target Corporation can satisfy the need of partner. Target Corporation keeps on making enhancements to remain the number two retailer stores in the nation. Target financ
Friday, August 14, 2020
Summer and Fall Transfer Decisions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Summer and Fall Transfer Decisions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Summer and Fall Transfer Decisions As our review of the freshman transcripts (just the transcripts, not the entire file!) comes to an end, we are now starting up our transfer reviews. The transfer decision process is very different from the freshman process, so please take note. While the freshman decisions go out at three times during the year (December, late February and late March), the transfer decisions go out beginning in February and ending in late May/early June, and are made on a daily basis. In fact, we made about 30 transfer decisions yesterday! Just so you know, though, transfer decisions are not a quick process. First, the file has to have all transcripts from any and all colleges an applicant has attended, and we must have any completed work through the Fall term of the previous year (so for this year, it would be Fall 2009 work). We then have to review the transcripts, see what classes transfer in, determine the number of transferable hours, and calculate a transfer GPA. If we then admit a student, we must plug in exactly how the transferable courses come into UGA, and whether they match specific UGA courses or come in as elective work. In addition, we must plug in the hours and GPA for HOPE scholarship purposes for those applicants that fall into this situation, and make sure that everything is correct. In other words, it can take a while. In addition, the speed of the review depends upon the colleges an applicant has attended. If we have a large database of knowledge about a college and the courses from there (for instance GA State Univ.), then almost all of the equivalent courses are already in our database. But if you have attended several colleges where we have almost no information on (for instance, Green River CC and Central Washington Univ.), then it will take a while to research your classes and determine how the courses translate over to UGA courses. As you can guess, this means that I have no idea how many transfer applicants we can review a day, and how many decisions will go out on X date. As well, I cannot even begin to guess, beyond a rough monthly estimate, when you will receive a transfer decision. What I would suggest is that you should make sure that all transcripts are here through the status check system, that if you have any other names you have used (last name is Jones now but was Smith), you should contact us to let us know after the transcript is sent, and be patient. Remember, transfer decisions will both come in the mail and will be posted on the status check. I hope this helps! Go Dawgs!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Best Speech Writers for Your Love Message
Professing your love to someone is not an easy task and if you have ever stood in front of your crush with trembling legs and a heart beating faster than a train, then you know what we mean. Telling someone you love might not be such a problem for people who are familiar with the art of speaking, but with all other 95% of people, it’s more like trying to swallow lava. Taking face to face is an enigma itself and when you add love into the mixture, it takes on a more complicated turn. So instead of declaring your love to your crush’s face and facing the possibility of getting shot down, you should consider declaring your love in a safer way. Yeah, we are talking about staying in a safe proximity of your home, in front of your computer and using a Facebook message or an email to do all the work for you. If unfortunately they don’t return your feelings, well, you can go right ahead and have a little cry and eat Ben and Jerry straight from the tub. Even if you decide to write a love letter to your intended girlfriend/boyfriend, here are some speech tips that you can use to pizzazz it a little bit. 1. Think about Why You Are Writing a Love Letter What is so special about the recipient? Is it their dreamy eyes or the crinkles around their eyes when they smile or is it the dimples? Do you look like this when they are in the vicinity? Thinking clearly about why you love a person will give you a head start on writing the most personalized letter to them. 2. Find an Answer to Why You Want to Write a Love Letter Don’t say â€Å"I can’t live without him/her†! Sorry but that’s too cheesy, or too mainstream if you ask. Think about how including them in your life will complete you or give you that glorious feeling of fulfillment. 3. Know the Person Being in love with someone means that you notice every little thing that they do or don’t. You probably know them better than you think. Use that knowledge and write a letter which will melt their hearts. 4. Make a Plan for Your Letter Being indecisive is not going to cut it. Plan the whole letter in advance. Otherwise, in the middle you are probably going to look like a headless chicken running around with no destination in mind. 5. Use Your Smart Phone Siri is going to be quite helpful in this area. Although, she can’t really write the letter for you but can offer some amazing insights into romantic quotes or even help you record your ideas. Because without that †¦ 6. Write the First Draft Start composing, even if it takes time. 7. Add the Good Stuff Clichà ©d romantic lines? Check! Creative personalized comments? Check! Cheesy lines to hype up the speech? Check! 8. Re-Check You might think grammar is not important because, â€Å"hey, it’s just a love letter not a term paper†, but it is. Trust us, because â€Å"whole†can easily be auto-corrected to â€Å"whore†, just to give you an example. 9. Test It Out Recite the letter to your friends. 10. Send It But take care of the time. These are some of the tips from the best speech writers, which will help you compose a love letter that will knock your crush’s socks off! What to do to have it done? Ask, â€Å"Write my speech†and wait for the final perfect result!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Ethical Dilemma Of Sexually Oriented Jokes - 1740 Words
An Ethical Dilemma Sexually oriented jokes were used in the workplace that forced the resignation of a younger employee. Looking at different ethical approaches to situations, this paper will see which approach may have been more useful in coming to a solution to this dilemma. Background LeSaint Logistics is third party logistics provider and automotive paint distributor for PPG Inc. They have many departments within each warehouse that must work together to ensure paint and paint and paint products are received, delivered to customers, and disposed of when necessary. In this situation Richard was working as the hazmat disposal supervisor, and Bruce was Richard’s only direct report. They worked side-by-side- for a couple of years. One day Bruce approach me (at that time I was just another warehouse employee) about some crude sexual jokes Richard had been making towards him over the course of several months, and how uncomfortable it had made him feel. When has asked my advice on how to handle the situation I suggested he report it to the next level of management. I was told the only reason he hadn’t done that was because he was afraid the company would take no action because of Richard’s age. Nothing was ever reported to management. About a month after this conversation Bruce told me he could not take the harassment any longer and quit. According to mutual acquaintances, Richard still works there today making his jokes. Ethical Issue The main ethical issue in thisShow MoreRelatedLegal or Ethical Issues in the Workplace: The Lecherous Boss3081 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Legal or Ethical Issues in the Workplace: The Lecherous Boss The workplace is a microcosm of society as a whole. Therefore, one has to anticipate that one will encounter legal and ethical issues in the workplace, just as one encounters legal and ethical issues in the world in general. Of course, not all of these problems will be significant, while others will be significant. The difficulty for the employee is determining what ethical and legal issues are critical, which ones are less importantRead MoreThe Effects of Ethical Climates on Bullying Behaviour in the Workplace13824 Words  | 56 PagesJournal of Business Ethics (2009) 86:273–295 DOI 10.1007/s10551-008-9847-4 Ó Springer 2008 The Effects of Ethical Climates on Bullying Behaviour in the Workplace  ¨ Fusun Bulutlar  ¨  ¨ Ela Unler Oz ABSTRACT. Various aspects of the relationship between ethical climate types and organizational commitment have been examined, although a relationship with the concept of bullying, which may be very detrimental to an organization, has not attracted significant attention. This study contributesRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesBalance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women†12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture AffectRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 PagesIdentify the three different roles of HR management. Discuss the three dimensions associated with HR management as a strategic business contributor. Explain why HR professionals and operating managers must view HR management as an interface. Discuss why ethical issues and professionalism affect HR management as a career field. ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" 3 HR TRANSITIONS HR Management Contributes to Organizational Success More effective management of human resources (HR) increasingly is being seen asRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesPrinted in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PARTRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesSensitive Line 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial Characteristics
Monday, May 18, 2020
Global Recession on Moroccos Economy - 2974 Words
TOPIC a) Analyse the effects of the global recession on Morocco’s economy. b) Discuss what action Morocco has taken to reduce the adverse effects of the downturn c) In your view, does the downturn offer any positive opportunities for Morocco? Table of contents Introduction 4 1. The effects of the global recession on Morocco’s economy 5 1-1 The impact of the international financial crisis on Moroccan financial economy 5 1-2 - The Moroccan economy facing crisis 6 2. Actions taken to reduce the adverse effects of the downturn by Morocco 7 3. Does the downturn offer any positive opportunities for Morocco? 9 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction The international financial crisis has largely been†¦show more content†¦Some foreign investors in the place could liquidate their position if they are affected by the crisis. But none of this has been reached, said the director of Project Financing in BMCE Abdellatif Nasserdine. The only impacts that the crisis could have on the place of Casablanca are psychological. The mistrust that has plagued the world in relation to real estate assets could be extended to Moroccan operators. Several reasons explain the remoteness of the international crisis in the Moroccan stock exchange Moreover, the Moroccan banking system is composed of mainly Moroccan-owned banks (BMCE, BCP, Attijariwafa Bank) which control 70% of Moroccos banking market, and majority foreign-owned banks (SGMB, Credit Du Maroc, BMCI) that share 30% of the Moroccan banking market. Recall that BNP Paribas owns 63% capital in BMCI, Societe Generale control with 51% of the SGMB and Credit Lyonnais has majority in Crà ©dit du Maroc with 52% of capital. Yet according to the financial press, many French banks are affected by the crisis: - The Societe Generale has not yet digested the loss of 5 billion of EURO attributed to its trader. Its shares have lost 50% of their value. - The Crà ©dit Agricole difficulties through its Calyon business bank wich will cut 500 jobs. In Morocco, the economy is rather well behaved throughout the years 2008 and 2009, the greater control
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Case Study on Nike (Marketing) - 1526 Words
OVERVIEW OF THE CASE Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear, footwear and equipment supplier based in the US which was founded in 1962 originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports. Nike is the world leader in the manufacturing of sportswear and gear with more than 47 market shares across the global. Nike produces a wide range of sports equipment such as running shoes, sportswear, football, basketball, tennis, golf, etc. Now Nike follows the global fashion trends and is well known and popular in the youth culture and hip hop culture to supply some fashion products. Nike recently teams up with Apple Company to produce the Nike+ products which can monitor a runner s performance through a radio in the shoe that can link to the iPods. Besides†¦show more content†¦They have Nike performance focusing on athletes, Nike active which includes â€Å"gym to street†wear, and Nike Fusion stylish clothing made of high performance fabrics etc†¦ With regards with the company itself, they have good mar keting. Nike has online stores where people can buy or browse for new designs etc†¦They market their product as high-performance products designed with high-technology features. Lastly, another strength is their strong management style and culture. Their founder created a strong culture based on loyalty and camaraderie, he trusts these employees to â€Å"Just Do It†. They continue to follow their founder’s philosophy which is Play by the rules, but be ferocious†¦It’s all right to be Goliath, but always act like David. Weaknesses Nike’s main weakness is their lack of focus on one main product. This is because of Nike’s commitment on having diversified products for athletes, meaning having too many different products available to sell to their customers. Due to this, they tend to have divided attention on each product line. Although having many different products might be advantageous (increased sales, additional market penetration, fall back in case one product fails), Nike should also consider the time amp; resources spent in maintaining each product. Another weakness that we could identify, although not as great as the first, would be Nike’s pricing strategy.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Management - Nike Case Study6867 Words  | 28 PagesMarketing Plan for NIKE MM 522 – Keller Gratudate School of Management ExecutiveRead MoreNike Markeing1333 Words  | 6 PagesProgramme: Business Management Module 1: Marketing Assignment [pic] Date for Submission: 15th September 2010 To achieve a pass in this unit the learner must: LO1: Investigate the concept and process of marketing LO2: Explore the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning LO3: Identify and analyse the individual elements of the extended marketing mix LO4: Apply the extended marketing mix to different marketing segments and contexts Context TheRead MoreThe Case of Nike1035 Words  | 5 PagesWEEK 1 – CASE STUDY: THE KEY MARKETING STRATEGY OF NIKE Nike is considered to be a leading athletic footwear manufacturer, which makes up over 30 percent and 50 percent of global and US market share respectively. In order to reach customers’ demands and get profits, Nike has executed/implemented a number of marketing strategies. This essay will examine Nike’s key strategies from1962 to 2009. The most essential marketing strategy called â€Å"Pyramid of influence†was expressed by Product, Place andRead MorePsychology of Business - Nike She Runs1414 Words  | 6 Pagesrelevant case/problem, account for and discuss how a psychological perspective can qualify those.†Hand in date: 8th May 2014 Julie Ingemann Jensen 3 Pages Copenhagen Business School 2014 Nike currently stands as a dominant leader in the global athletic retail industry. Particularly amongst females Nike is seen as a popular choice for apparel yet has had trouble solidifying itself as a top choice for footwear, with competitor ASICS seen as the preferred running shoe choice. Nike recognisedRead MoreThe Key Insight That Helped Nike Develop Holistic Marketing Strategy? 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It is the world s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$24.1 billion in its fiscalRead MoreRunning Head: Ambush Marketing Case Study1020 Words  | 5 PagesAMBUSH MARKETING CASE STUDY 1 AMBUSH MARKETING CASE STUDY 4 Ambush Marketing Case Study Hieu Le Columbia Southern University Ambush Marketing Case Study In the Successfully leveraging high-profile events to raise brand profile, Datamonitor (2010) demonstrate the identity of Ambush Marketing, which reflects that Bavaria Beer implemented this marketing tacticsRead MoreNike Inc. : The World s Leading Athletic Footwear, Apparel And Equipment Company894 Words  | 4 Pages Nike Inc. is the world’s leading athletic footwear, apparel and equipment company. Nike’s mission statement, â€Å"bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete†(Nike, 2016). Nike’s mission statement relates to every human on this earth regardless of size or shape. The two goals of Nike Inc. are to serve and inspire the athlete and to reach a large audience (Nike CR Report, 2014). Nike has done an incredible job meeting these two goals becauseRead MoreNike Case Study Essay856 Words  | 4 PagesNike Case Study 1.) List the various macro-environmental factors that influence Nike’s strategy. Which seem most pertinent? The macro-environmental factors that influence Nike’s strategy include culture, demographics, social issues, technological advances, economic situation, and political and regulatory environment.  Culture is the shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values and customs of a group of people. In America, Nike has become an industry leader that influences our culturalRead MoreNike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies693 Words  | 3 PagesNike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies Figure 1 - Nike Sports Performance Laboratory (Nelab, 2012) Nike is the worlds largest sports and fitness companies, earning fourteen billion dollars in revenue and has one of the worlds most identifiable logos the swoosh (Financial Review, N.d.). Research and development is conducted by the Nike Sports Research Laboratory (NSRL) and is located on the Nike campus in Portland, Oregon. At this facility, Nike engineers study all facets of athletes and their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Controversy Of Truman Roosevelt And The Atomic Bomb On...
There have been many controversies in world history. Like if the Soviets instigated the six day war to destroy Israel s nuclear power plants or if the South Koreans provoked the North Koreans to invade them to spark the Korean War. Maybe the biggest controversy of all time was if President Truman was actually justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president from the beginning of World War Two and had to deal with a lot of the war. Shortly after the Pearl Harbor attacks Japan came at the United States with everything they had, attempting to cripple us once and for all. What they didn’t know was that, even though the United States were vastly outnumbered, they had also deployed everything they had, aircraft carriers, planes and battle ships. This was known as the Battle of Midway and after four days of fighting, the U.S. were able to cripple the Japanese well enough that they retreated. The United States destroyed four carrier s, a heavy cruiser and more than 200 planes (Poolos). After this battle the U.S. had been taking different islands and been setting up command bases on them, which was called, island hopping. In the Pacific The United States had just taken the perfect island that would allow us to have good positioning to lead an attack on Japan. The United States had the Japanese pinned down. Franklin Delano Roosevelt health got so bad during his presidency on April 12th, 1945 he died. Immediately his vice presidentShow MoreRelatedPresident Truman And The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb1280 Words  | 6 PagesPresident Harry Truman and the dropping of the atomic bomb, many speculators say that it was a great way to resolve the war with Japan while others contradict the action. Through time and preparation, President Truman’s courageous decision was an answer to end a crisis and by far one of the best problem solving solutions in American history. President Truman’s bravery in dropping the atomic bomb is and always will be one of the most significant events in American history. At the time of Truman coming intoRead MoreDuring The Early 1940’S Atomic Science Had Just Began To1247 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the early 1940’s atomic science had just began to mature. Many people were exploring the powerful mystery of the atom. Two of those people were Eugene Booth and John Dunning, who, in 1941, synthesized uranium-235. Immense scientific growth followed their contribution, since it allowed for nuclear fission (Griffith). In the years following this discovery, nuclear science took a turn. Once only used as a constructive power source, atoms began being explored for their destructive power. In 1942Read MoreWhy the United States Dropped the Atomic Bomb: Persuasive Essay1259 Words  | 6 PagesThe atomic bomb is the subject of much controversy. Since its first detonation in 1945, the entire world has heard t he aftershocks of that blast. Issues concerning Nuclear Weapons sparked the Cold War. We also have the atomic bomb to thank for our relative peace in this time due to the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The effects of the atomic bomb might not have been the exact effects that the United States was looking for when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and NagasakiRead More The Atomic Age1290 Words  | 6 PagesThe Atomic Age The Atomic Age, composed of complex and controversial issues, has forever changed our world and the way in which we live. * What were the factors leading to the dropping of the atomic bomb? The answer to this question considers events dealing with atomic energy, the Manhatten Project, and controversial issues about when, where, how, and if the bomb should have been used. There are several events prior to the 1940s that led to the making of the bomb, but the majority of eventsRead MoreThe Modern Language Association s Guidelines1634 Words  | 7 Pages Atomic Bomb Research Paper Following the Modern Language Association s Guidelines Hamza Abidi South Brunswick High School Throughout World War II, problems that were faced by each country revolved around the idea of making the right decision. To attempt at making the right decisions, treaties were made between two or more countries that listed certain terms and conditions. However, when these treaties were violated, it made the situations between countries even worse than theyRead MoreNuclear Weapons And The World War II1145 Words  | 5 Pagesto create effective nuclear weapons. Subsequently, the major application of nuclear weapons emerged when the US dropped two atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Whereas President Truman mainly sought to protect Americans from further deaths by launching atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR posed a different question. Did Truman consciously drop the bombs to intimidate the USSR? Therefore, the Soviet Union interpreted the use of these nuclear weapons as an anti-Soviet move. ThisRead MoreWhat Was The Decisive Factor For The Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki? Essay2086 Words  | 9 Pages What was the decisive factor that lead to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Song Soo Keun 004180-0205 UWCSEA East Section A: Plan of Investigation Between 1941~1945, along with the war against the Nazis in Europe, the US was engaged in active war against Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbour. At this time(1944), Soviets had survived the attack on the eastern front and remained standing as a power that would soon directly oppose the ideologies ofRead MoreIn 1945 Germany Surrendered, Leaving Only The Japanese1430 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States and Japan were fighting a fierce war on the Japanese islands, and thousands were dying on both sides. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and three days later, on August 9th, they dropped the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. The world was in shock. No one had ever seen a weapon with this destructive force, and its use was not called into question until a year later when the public received the first accounts of the damage the bomb had caused.Read MoreWhy The Destruction Of Japan1693 Words  | 7 Pages Brittney Herrera Professor Smith History 118 06 December 2014 Why the Destruction of Japan, Through the Use of the Atom Bomb, Was Unnecessary Much controversy comes to mind when thinking about the events of World War II. Maybe one of the most controversial topics surrounding World War II is that of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, Japan. Many historians and scholars have spent much time researching this topic and, through the examination of numerous records and manuscriptsRead MoreWas Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki Necessary to End World War 2?1650 Words  | 7 PagesInvestigation During the time period when Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office, it was during WWII. Japan attacked the U.S. on Dec. 7, 1941 and was known as Pearl Harbor. When that happened, Roosevelt did not hesitate to ask Congress to officially declare war on Japan. During the war, there was a proposal of an atomic bomb landing over Hiroshima and Nagasaki to finalize the war. To this day there is still controversy that if that atomic bomb was actually necessary to end the war, because of the number
Ethical Dilemmas †Abortion Free Essays
In our society, there are many ethical dilemmas that we are faced with that are virtually impossible to solve. One of the most difficult and controversial issues that we are faced with is abortion. There are many strong arguments both for and against the right to have an abortion which are so complicated that it becomes impossible to resolve. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Dilemmas – Abortion or any similar topic only for you Order Now The complexity of this issue lies in the different aspects of the argument. The essence of a person, rights, and who is entitled to these rights, are a few of the many aspects which are very difficult to define. There are also issues of what circumstances would justify abortion. Because the issue of abortion is virtually impossible to solve, all one can hope to do is understand the different aspects of the argument so that if he or she is faced with that issue in their own lives, they would be able to make educated and thoughtful decisions in dealing with it. The definition of a person is an aspect of the abortion issue which raises some very difficult questions. Is an unborn baby a person When does the unborn baby become a person This is a difficult question because in order for one to answer it, he must define the essence of a person. When describing the essence of something, one needs to escribe the necessary and sufficient conditions of that thing. So how does one define the essence of a person Kant describes a person as a rational being. Some people define the essence of a person from more of a biological standpoint. Nevertheless, defining the essence of a person is a very difficult thing for a group of people to agree on. One own definition of a person would most likely greatly impact his opinion on whether abortion is morally justified or not. This becomes even more complicated when one takes into account potentiality. This raises the question of whether the fetus is an actual person r a potential person. Many would argue that a fetus is a potential person because it is has the potential to become what it is not yet. However, does a potential person have potential rights An example was used: does a potential doctor have the rights of a licensed doctor When one is describing potentiality, All he is really describing is what that thing is not. By declaring that a fetus is a potential person, one is also stating that a fetus is not a person. As one can see, this issue of the essence of a person and whether a fetus is a person is a very complicated one. This becomes seven more omplicated if one takes into account the issue of rights. Now, the concept of human rights, that is to say, what American society dictates as human rights, conflicts heavily with itself. On one hand, we form a deep and heavy opinion on one s right to life. On the other, we hold an equally strong opinion on one s freedom to live that life as they please. American society by and large has a firm belief in an individuals right to live. Therefore, if one comes to the conclusion that a fetus actually is a person, then that fetus should receive the protection to it s right to live, as much as you or I. This society also olds the firm belief in one s right to the sovereignty of his or her own body, equal to that of one s right to live. In this case, it is imperative that we understand what liberties we can and cannot take upon ourselves concerning our lives. Case in point, suicide. Society dictates what we are allowed to do, and how we are allowed to live, by law. Most of American laws are written to preserve one s rights to individuality, and one s right to take the liberty to live their lives as they see fit. However, laws are also written to undermine those who s actions compromise the liberties and freedoms of ther individuals, thus protecting the concepts and ideals of agency and liberty. Based on our society s laws, essentially, we believe that what you do to yourself is your choice, and is accepted by law, so long as it doesn stop or impede the lives and freedoms of others. The difficulty in this dilemma lies within the question of whether an abortion falls into a category of protection of a woman s right s over the sovereignty of her own body, or whether it falls into a different category of an action which is not permissible because, according to some people, the fetus is a person whose life and freedom is being ompromised. The question of rights is further complicated by the different circumstances where the abortion issue could be raised. Many people would argue that abortion should not be used as birth control or as a means to deal with the consequences of promiscuous sex. However, how does one address the abortion issue in the circumstance of rape or incest Many say that in these circumstances, abortion is justified. The confusing thing is that the outcome is the same in both circumstances. The fetus is being denied its right to live and grow to its potential as a human being. Where does one draw the line What about case where there is medical complications For example: a woman becomes pregnant and goes to the doctor for an examination. During the doctor visit, various tests are run and it is discovered that the baby will be born severely deformed and that its quality of life would be extremely substandard. If the woman were to have an abortion, would it be justified What about a situation where a woman becomes pregnant and she does to the doctor and is told that the baby is deformed and the birth would most likely kill the mother. The argument justifying abortion in this case goes back to the right to physical sovereignty ver one s own body. A person has the freedom to do what he or she wants to concerning their own body as long as it does not harm or compromise the freedom of another, except in self defense. Therefore, in the case of the mother who would most likely die in childbirth, an abortion could be justified because she is acting in self defense. And in the case of rape, many argue that an abortion is also justified because the woman s right to not conceive has been violated, therefore she should not be responsible for the consequences which came through no fault of her own. As on can see, the issue of abortion is on e that is xtremely complicated. The problem being that many of the ethical dilemmas involved in the abortion issue are so closely intertwined that they are difficult to distinguish from one another. There are some aspects of the issue that would convince most people that abortion is justified, however when those aspects are combined with other intertwining aspects and imperatives, justification oftentimes becomes impossible. In conclusion, the issue of abortion is so complicated and controversial that it is unlikely that a consensus could be reached by American society. There are too many aspects of he issue which peoples views vary to widely. Some of these issues could be things such as the definition of a person, is the fetus a person, and if so when does it officially become a person. There is also the issue of rights. Do the rights of a person outweigh the rights of a non person. Does the right of a mother s sovereignty over her body outweigh the right of an unborn child to live. The answers to these questions are very diverse as a result of the diversity of the American society. With the issue of abortion, one s attitude toward it is going to be based on many things such as religious background and ersonal morals. There is no black and white answer to the abortion issue. Luckily we live in a country where we are able to decide for ourselves whether something is morally right or wrong. Thus, ultimately, the choice is ours. As with the many other ethical issues which we are faced with in our society, it is hard to come to a concrete answer until we are personally faced with that issue. All we can do is make an effort to know all of the aspects which are involved so that we may be able to make a sound decision if we were faced with this problem in our own lives. How to cite Ethical Dilemmas – Abortion, Essay examples
Earthquakes Essay Example For Students
Earthquakes Essay Earthquakes have plagued our lives for as long as people have inhabitedthe earth. These dangerous acts of the earth have been the cause of many deathsin the past century. So what can be done about these violent eruptions that takeplace nearly with out warning? Predicting an earthquake until now has almostbeen technologically impossible. With improvements in technology, lives havebeen saved and many more will. All that remains is to research what takes placebefore, during, and after an earthquake. This has been done for years to thepoint now that a successful earthquake prediction was made and was accurate. This paper will discuss a little about earthquakes in general and then about howpredictions are made. Earthquake, vibrations produced in the earths crust when rocks inwhich elastic strain has been building up suddenly rupture, and thenrebound.(Associated Press 1993) The vibrations can range from barely noticeableto catastrophically destructive. Six kinds of shock waves are generated in theprocess. Two are classified as body wavesthat is, they travel through theearths interiorand the other four are surface waves. The waves are furtherdifferentiated by the kinds of motions they impart to rock particles. Primary orcompressional waves (P waves) send particles oscillating back and forth in thesame direction as the waves are traveling, whereas secondary or transverse shearwaves (S waves) impart vibrations perpendicular to their direction of travel. Pwaves always travel at higher velocities than S waves, so whenever an earthquakeoccurs, P waves are the first to arrive and to be recorded at geophysicalresearch stations worldwide.(Associated Press 1993)Earthquake waves were observed in this a nd other ways for centuries, butmore scientific theories as to the causes of quakes were not proposed untilmodern times. One such concept was advanced in 1859 by the Irish engineer RobertMallet. Perhaps drawing on his knowledge of the strength and behavior ofconstruction materials subjected to strain, Mallet proposed that earthquakesoccurred either by sudden flexure and constraint of the elastic materialsforming a portion of the earths crust or by their giving way and becomingfractured.(Butler 1995)Later, in the 1870s, the English geologist John Milne devised aforerunner of todays earthquake-recording device, or seismograph. A simplependulum and needle suspended above a smoked-glass plate, it was the firstinstrument to allow discrimination of primary and secondary earthquake waves. The modern seismograph was invented in the early 20th century by the Russianseismologist Prince Boris Golitzyn. His device, using a magnetic pendulumsuspended between the poles of an electromagnet, ushered in the modern era ofearthquake research. (Nagorka 1989)The ultimate cause of tectonic quakes is stresses set up by movementsof the dozen or so major and minor plates that make up the earthscrust.(Monastersky Oct, 95) Most tectonic quakes occur at the boundaries ofthese plates, in zones where one plate slides past anotheras at the San AndreasFault in California, North Americas most quake-prone areaor is subducted(slides beneath the other plate). Subduction-zone quakes account for nearlyhalf of the worlds destructive seismic events and 75 percent of the earthsseismic energy. They are concentrated along the so-called Ring of Fire, a narrowband about 38,600 km (about 24,000 mi) long, that coincides with the margins ofthe Pacific Ocean. The points at which crustal rupture occurs in such quakestend to be far below the earths surface, at depths of up to 645 km (400 mi). (Monastersky Dec, 95) Alaskas disastrous Good Friday earthquake of 1964 is anexample of such an event. .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .postImageUrl , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:hover , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:visited , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:active { border:0!important; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:active , .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc5560826effc1e75676aa98632dcf73c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essays: In Cold Blood as Literary Journalism Cold EssaySeismologists have devised two scales of measurement to enable them todescribe earthquakes quantitatively. One is the Richter scale named after theAmerican seismologist Charles Francis Richterwhich measures the energy releasedat the focus of a quake. It is a logarithmic scale that runs from 1 to 9; amagnitude 7 quake is 10 times more powerful than a magnitude 6 quake, 100 timesmore powerful than a magnitude 5 quake, 1000 times more powerful than amagnitude 4 quake, and so on.(Associated Press 1992)The other scale, introduced at the turn of the 20th century by theItalian seismologist Giuseppe Mercalli, measures the inte nsity of shaking withgradations from I to XII. (Associated Press 1992) Because seismic surfaceeffects diminish with distance from the focus of the quake, the Mercalli ratingassigned to the quake depends on the site of the measurement. Intensity I onthis scale is defined as an event felt by very few people, whereas intensity XIIis assigned to a catastrophic event that causes total destruction. Events ofintensities II to III are roughly equivalent to quakes of magnitude 3 to 4 onthe Richter scale, and XI to XII on the Mercalli scale can be correlated withmagnitudes 8 to 9 on the Richter scale.( Associated Press 1992)Attempts at predicting when and where earthquakes will occur have metwith some success in recent years. At present, China, Japan, Russia, and the U.S. are the countries most actively supporting such research. In 1975 the Chinesepredicted the magnitude 7.3 quake at Haicheng, evacuating 90,000 residents onlytwo days before the quake destroyed or damaged 90 percent of the citysbuildings. One of the clues that led to this prediction was a chain of low-magnitude tremors, called foreshocks, that had begun about five years earlier inthe area. (Day 1988) Other potential clues being investigated are tilting orbulging of the land surface and changes in the earths magnetic field, in thewater levels of wells, and even in animal behavior. A new method under study inthe U.S. involves measuring the buildup of stress in the crust of the earth. Onthe basis of such measurements the U.S. Geological Survey, in April 1985,predicted that an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 to 6 would occur on the SanAndreas fault, near Parkfield, California, sometime before 1993.(Day 1988) Manyunofficial predictions of earthquakes have also been made. In 1990 a zoologist,Dr. Iben Browning, warned that a major quake would occur along the New Madridfault before the end of the year. Like most predictions of this type, it provedto be wrong. Groundwater has also played an important part in earthquakepredictions. A peak in radon in the groundwater at Kobe, Japan 9 days before the7.2 earthquake cause quite a stir. Radon levels peaked 9 days before the quake,then fell below the normal levels 5 days before it hit.(Monastersky July, 95)In North America, the series of earthquakes that struck southeasternMissouri in 1811-12 were probably the most powerful experienced in the UnitedStates in historical time. The most famous U.S. earthquake, however, was the onethat shook the San Francisco area in 1906, causing extensive damage and takingabout 700 lives.(Nagorka 1989)The whole idea behind earthquake predicting is to save lives. With theimprovement in technology, lives have been saved. New ideas and equipment isstarting to prove to be very helpful in predicting were a nd when an earthquakewill strike. The time and research put into earthquake predicting has alreadystarted to pay off. It is only a matter of time before earthquakes will nolonger be a threat to us. BibliographyAssociated Press 1992, The Big One: Recent Tremors May Be a `Final Warning';SIRS 1993 Earth Science, Article 12, Aug. 30, 1992, pg. J1+. .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .postImageUrl , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:hover , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:visited , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:active { border:0!important; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:active , .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50 .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1ad39768fe00075b7c92d2ea3a389b50:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hairball EssayAssociated Press 1993, Predicting the Effects of Large Earthquakes; SIRS 1994Applied Science, Article 17, Sept./Oct. 1993, pg. 7-17. Butler, Steven 1995, Killer Quake; SIRS 1995 Earth Science, Article 47, Jan. 30, 1995, pg. 38-44. Day, Lucille, 1988, Predicting The Big One; SIRS 1989 Earth Science, Article 5,Summer 1988, pg. 34-41. Monastersky, R. 1995, Electric Signals May Herald Earthquakes; Science News, v. 148, Oct. 21 ,1995, pg. 260-1. Monastersky, R. 1995, Quiet Hints Preceded Kobe Earthquake; Science News, v. 148, July 15, 1995, pg. 37. Monastersky, R. 1995, Radio Hints Precede a Small U.S. Quake; Science News, v. 148, Dec. 23;30, 1995, pg. 431. Nagorka, Jennifer 1989, Earthquakes: Predicting Where Is EasyIts WhenThats Tough; SIRS 1990 Earth Science, Article 26, Oct.29, 1989, pg. E1-2. Category: Science
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Auditing Theory and Practice Global Population Reaching
Question: Describe about the Auditing Theory and Practice for Global Population Reaching. Answer: Introduction Due to the reason of global population reaching high, the basic quest for food is going to be obvious and to meet the requirement of the people so far food is concerned, the world should be equipped with the recyclable resources of foods, at the same time the producer should look for the proper alternative which can make the world free of pollution from the process of production. The bio sustainable products are to be prioritised for the use of manure or feeds. The fish feeds are, therefore, being highly appreciated when it is made of earthly ingredients. The people who are habituated with non-vegetarian foods normally look for fishes and other meats. Bio Sustainable Feeds Ltd is engaged in the fish feed with their experienced research and subsequent development for which they are reckoned with. This article will emphasize on different aspects of audit in the company with finding out the system through which the company maintains its financial accounting. There are different factors which are obvious for conducting an audit and the same process will be followed while the audit assignment is to be executed(Chung, 2016). This company is listed in ASX and as a mandatory compliance; the company has to get their financial accounting audited every year. For doing the audit an external audit firm is to be deployed who will verify and conclude about the overall financial accounting to infer about the accurateness of the financial accounting standard of the company. In the following discussion we will highlight the issues related to audit assignment with proper steps with the conducting of audit, assessment of audit risk, concentrate of critical areas, etc which are appended below(EWOS, 2012). Steps for auditing There are certain steps for conducting audit by a professional audit firm of any company which is listed in ASX. BSF Ltd. is such a company who are listed in the ASX. So the stakeholders are willing to know the result of the audit to be conducted. In broad spectrum there are six steps to be followed for audit purpose. They are as follows:- Required Documents The list of required documents is to be filed to the client with a proper notification for the forthcoming audit which is found by the auditor in the checklist. These documents may consist of the historical audit report, the bank statements of the company along with receipts and general ledger. Along with those, the auditor may ask for the organizational tree of the organization and the copies of board and committee minutes of the meetings and the constitutions consisting of bylaws and standing rules(Penn, 2016). Preparation of audit plan The planning of audit is done with the information found in the documents and then the plan of audit is being chalked out to identify the way of conducting the audit. The derivation of auditory risk is to be emphasized with the experts for identification of probable grey areas. After then the audit plan is finalised for conducting the same. Convening a meeting The auditor has to sit with the top management and the key personnel of the company for exploring the scope of audit which is to be projected by the auditor for the purpose of making them aware about the same. This meeting will mainly emphasize on the time limit of the completion of the audit, the objective of the audit, and the cooperation of the departmental heads are sought for to make the departmental staffs aware of the audit with some interviews to be conducted by the auditor with the respective staffs(Gupta, 2006). Fieldwork of audit After gathering the information from the meeting, the auditor will finalize the audit plan. The audit plan will be transparently communicated to the staff of the audit team as well as to the staff members of the company for making the review of process and procedure of the audit. Main emphasis will be given on the issues of compliance of the working process and subsequent procedures along with the evaluation of internal control to find them in place with adequacy. The course of audit will raise certain issues which are to be highlighted for the quest of the response from the management. Preparation of a draft audit report The head of audit will make a report which will consist of the observations of the audit. The report should include the calculation error or omission, problems related to posting, execution of authorized payments not made, and other disorders along with other concerns found in the course of audit. This draft report will lead to a final report which will schedule the findings with the basic irregularities found during the course of audit with subsequent advice for recommending solutions of the problems(Gupta, 2006). Close meeting with the management The final meeting will be between the top level management and the auditor in which the management is responsible for clarifying the noted discrepancies with the notation of agreeing or disagreeing with the issues. This will lead to probable remedial measures to be undertaken by the management in due course of time for getting rid of these discrepancies with setting up of proper time frame. This meeting is vital as this will lead to future course of action with the resolution of keeping track of the problems found in the course of audit with subsequent follow up for remedies to be placed. Audit Risk detection and judgment The activities of audit face three types of risks which are known as inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. In the following, we will discuss them with the implication of hypothetical risk allotment under three different head for BSF Ltd. to justify the acceptance of this audit assignment by the auditor(Unifr, 2016). Inherent Risk Inherent stands for some feature which is already there. In case of inherent risk in audit, it is raised from the misstatement of object which is found in the financial statements. This risk is generated from the mistakes happened due to the action of omission or errors which is basically happen due to non-practice or failure of proper control, mainly internal. The detection of inherent risk and subsequent action for the audit purpose is the field of high professionalism which is to be made by the leader of the audit team. Inherent audit risk is more in a new company with diversified activities, where the overall control is becoming weak due to unprofessional decentralized handling. On the contrary, in case of old manufacturing unit with the system and process in place reveals low level of inherent risk(Actuateip, 2015). Control Risk Control risk is defined as such risk which arises from material misstatement in the statement of the financial activities of the company this risk is due to the reason of improper practice of controlling measure taken up by the management internally. The internal control system to find out the fraud and error at every layer should be on higher range to mitigate control risk. It is found in the financial statement of the company that the instances of frauds and errors happen due to lack of proper internal control in place. And these elements are responsible for raising the control risk so far audit is concerned(Aicpa, 2006). Detection Risk Detection risk is such risk which cant be tracked by the auditor from material misstatement in the financial statement. This is due to improper assessment of the assignment with improper emphasis is given in improper issues, or not prioritizing the issues with proper statement. In case of given hypothesis, the inherent risk is at 90%, control risk is at 5% and detection risk is at 80%(Unifr, 2016). To calculate the audit risk:- Audit Risk= inherent risk x control risk x detection risk In this case audit risk is derived as ---- 90% x 5% x 80% = 0.036 This derived audit risk seems to be good as it is in lower range. If the auditor is fixing any parameter for the audit risk, they should follow that, otherwise this audit risk should be felt comfortable by the auditors for conducting the audit(Unifr, 2016). Audit Program Following audit program is to be followed by the firm for auditing BSF ltd:- The auditor, after assuming the audit risk at comfortable level, should give the notice to the management of BSF stating the acceptance of the assignment with proposed time limit and the list of documents required. Next step is to make the schedule of the audit which should detail the events with period of audit, details of assigned person as leader and the required variety of resources and documents needed from the company. The plan of audit is next part which is to be made as per the objective and scope of the audit process which is being fixed in the joint meeting between the auditor and management leaving the statutory fields which are to be audited mandatorily by the auditor. The most vital part is the managing of the audit process which is the sole responsibility of the leader. He will find the compliance of the plan and accordingly change the schedule if necessary. It is his prime duty to keep the management posted about the development of the audit process. The submission of the audit report to the process owner and the stakeholders of the company is the ultimate part which closes the audit process. The company management should be aware of the irregularities found and accordingly ensure proper action to get rid of those in future(Mediacongo, 2015). Accounting Journal of BSF related to R D and CSIRO grant: Date Particulars Debit ( in AUD) Credit( in AUD) 10.07.2013 Bank A/c debit 500 million CSIRO grant a/c Credit 500 million grant from CSIRO 14.09.2014 Research a/c debit 170 million Bank A/c Credit 170 million expenses incurred in research 12.10.2014 Fixed Assets a/c debit 40 million Research a/c debit 40 million fixed assets procured for research 25.09.2015 Research a/c debit 160 million Bank A/c Credit 160 million expenses incurred in research 02.02.2016 Research a/c debit 170 million Bank A/c Credit 170 million expenses incurred in research 15.04.2016 Development a/c debit 100 million Bank A/c debit 100 million expenses incurred in development Observation of journal entries related to CSIRO grant and R D expenses are ok with proper following of the conditions. TBL addendum of BSF GPFS The claim of Triple Bottom Line by BSF for ensuring social economical and environmental sustainability is adjudged as positive as they are contributing to the society by their research work for the community and the people, the economic sustainability with the profit generation for the company and the environmental sustainability by using the earthly ingredients in their research to find the eco friendly fish feed which will be treated as the biggest success of the company. Hence this claim may be endorsed by the auditor in favor of the company(Chung, 2016). Exclusive control over patent right of BSF It is normal practice of the patent Act of Australia to confirm two types of patents- standard patent and innovation patent. This patent of BSF falls under the standard patent which covers any product. The claim of BSF to the exclusive patent of the bacteria based feed technology is not justified as they have acquired the patent of the product only with its nomenclature and composition, but not the said technology, as a whole. Hence their claim will not endorsed by the auditor(Sarker et al., 2016). References: Accounting-simplified, 2010. Audit Risk Model Inherent Risk, Control Risk Detection Risk. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 September 2016]. Actuateip, 2015. Patent Disputes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 September 2016]. Aicpa, 2006. Audit Risk and Materiality in Conducting an Audit. Effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2006. Earlier application is permitted;, 47(107), pp.1647-62. Asic, 2016. Are you a large or small proprietary company. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2016]. Chung, E., 2016. Shift to plant-based fish feed could hurt health, environment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 September 2016]. EWOS, 2012. Fish Foreever. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 September 2016]. Gupta, A., 2006. Best Practices in Auditing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 September 2016]. Ipaustralia, 2016. Patent basics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 September 2016]. Mediacongo, 2015. ToR Audit BSF-IA Final. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2016]. Penn, S., 2016. Six-Step Audit Process. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2016]. Reimers, C.I., 2010. Sustainability through Profitability: The Triple Bottom Line. DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska, 01 January. pp.1-3. Sarker, P.K., Kapuscinski, A.R., Lanois, A.J. Livesey, E.D., 2016. Towards Sustainable Aquafeeds: Complete Substitution of Fish Oil with Marine Microalga Schizochytrium sp. Improves Growth and Fatty Acid Deposition in Juvenile Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus); PLOS Journal. Unifr, 2016. Risks (Audit Risk Formula). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 September 2016].
Friday, March 27, 2020
Utopia Essay Example For Students
Utopia Essay Thomas Mores, Utopia is one of the most politically and socially influential texts to date. His audience, which ranges from academic and social scholars to college students, all can gain a different understanding of the work and its meaning. In order to fully comprehend Mores message, one must have an appreciation for the time and culture in which he lived.After grasping historical concepts, one reads Utopia, not as just a volume recounting a fictitious island society, but rather as a critique on a time of corruption and reformation. Throughout the entire text, Mores personal views on the religion, politics, and economy of this turbulent time seep through the carefully plotted thread of this critical work. We will write a custom essay on Utopia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now More is seen in history through many different lights. It is difficult to historically describe the sixteenth century without mentioning Mores individual involvement as a key religious and political figure of the time. In his early life, he focuses mainly on his desire for priesthood. More lived in a monastery for years and pursued the pious life of the Carthusians only to abandon it for a political career. Many speculate that Mores reasons for leaving had to do with the corruption he witnessed in his time there and desire to engage in matrimony. The corruption and greed forming among the clergy is what triggered the Protestant Reformation, led by Martin Luther. Next, More entered into the political spotlight through parliament and as a Speaker of the House of Commons, where he spent his energy encouraging the idea of freedom of speech. His next duty was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancester, followed by the Lord Chancellor. Both of these came towards the end of his political and judi cial career when his views began to split from those of Henry VIII. Mores disagreement with the ideas of Henry VIII and the conversion to Lutheranism was eventually the end of him, when he was beheaded for refusing to swear to the Oath of Supremacy and Act of Succession. He believed in the way of the Catholic Church till the end and paid the ultimate sacrifice of his life. Evidence of Mores religious views is found throughout the text. He cleverly disguises his true opinions by inventing a fictitious traveler by the name of Raphael Hythloday, who the reader believes to be the originator of the radical ideas. More also sprinkles real names throughout the introduction, which adds credibility to the entire idea of Utopia as a real place. He goes one step further to make himself a character as the voice of reason. In the time that More wrote the novel, these views were so radical that, had they not had some sort of a disclaimer provided, he could have been punished. Raphael describes th e Utopians in detail. More spends an exceptionally large amount of time discussing the Utopians religious beliefs. He describes them as monotheists, stating, they believe in a single power, unknown, eternal, infinite, inexplicable, far beyond the grasp of the human mind(73). More stresses this notion of civility in a heathen culture where Christianity had not touched until Hythlodays arrival. The only religious law that must be followed, which was created by Utopias founder, Utopus, claims that any religion is permissible if it includes the notion of an afterlife.He writes this to an audience who he believes has lost all sense of what Christianity truly is. R.W. Chamber states, The Four Cardinal VirtuesWisdom, Fortitude, Temperance and Justicewere taken into the medieval systemand were sufficient to ensure that a man or a State might be a model of conduct in secular matters(138). He says that heathen cultures, like Utopia, are based on these Virtues that are subsidiary to, not a sub stitute for, the Christian virtues(138). Chambers idea suggests that More uses the concept of the Utopians, as heathens, working in a successful and yet Non-Christian society, as proof that just because one says one is a Christian it does not mean that he/she lives a better life than a heathen. It should be mentioned that heathen was a derogatory term in the sixteenth century that conjures up images of barbarians and uncivilized chaos. This play on Heathenism is Mores attempt to critique English Christians who
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