Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Argumentative Essay Topics about Religion
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Argumentative Essay Topics about Religion What's more, the strategies employed by the writer to attain a rhetorical influence on the reader vary depending of audience and purpose. For an argumentative essay it's smart to set up three claims which provides a strong reason behind your stance on the topic matter. I believe that's the easiest and most rational explanation. Here, the most suitable quantity of specificity is critical. You have to make sure you select a controversial issue that is one where there are two opposing views. This usually means that in picking a topic, you should make certain that there's enough information available that you use as arguments. Sum up the primary points and main arguments that you're going to support or refute. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. An individual should focus on the range of sentences in the paragraphs. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you might want to argue is a great start. Include references and citations to strengthen your work. Provide three ideas and produce each in a different paragraph. The considerable debate on religion in schools is getting more and more heated. An essay or paper on canada multiculturalism canada has for ages been called the mosaic, as a result of simple fact that it consists of a varied mixture of races, cultures. Just concentrate on the elements of it you're able to prove with facts. The idea of religion is quite wide. There are several things that we just accept as we grow because they're the prevailing theories, if you reside in a multicultural environment then you've got exposure to a larger array of ideas, but there's still peer pressure and many people on Earth don't have such access. If you're fighting to think of content for your assignment, speak to us. For lots of people, it's challenging to locate the ideal place to speak about controversial problems. Due to the sum of pressure, a number of the students are under they get too nervous and they're not able to submit their work in time. The procedure for getting good argumentative research essay topics is hard. In a very long essay, the thesis ought to be in the very first or second paragraph. The entire strategy of Creating An essay that's argumentative. It's important to get a way of organizing your long essay. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. It's important to get a topic that's specific enough that finding sources is relatively simple, but broad enough you can write many pages about it. By abiding By the above-given hints you will readily realize an impactful argumentative essay. A thriving introduction has the capability to give a review of the info that the readers will be receiving in the essay. You've got william shakespeare biography summary appraisal report permit the reader know how you'll focus your essay by identifying the key themes to be. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. It is possible to buy argumentative essay from a specialist writer. Selecting an emotional topic is also a superb idea. Does an excellent lawyer has an effect on the results of a murder trial in the usa. Academic writing ought to be approached as an item that encompasses lots of considerations. Argumentative writings is a particular sort of a paper. It's the mixture of breakfast and lunch in 1 plate. They should be prepared to work on your paper until it's up to your satisfaction. Also, utilize all the scratch paper you will need. Whatever They Told You About Argumentative Essay Topics about Religion Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why While you might not get the opportunity for attempting all of them, select the field which interests you, select any topic and begin writing. The more research you can do in order to secure better at your upcoming profession, the better. Carry out as much research as possible, you wish to look like someone who is aware of what they are referring to. Argue the part of emotional intelligence in a business enterprise.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Dehorning Black Rhinos Essay - 1094 Words
Dehorning Black Rhinos Dehorning black rhinos helped save them from extinction in the early 1990s from poachers because the armed guards patrolling the National Parks did not prove to be effective. Another way to preserve the rhino is to find substitutes for the horns. Black rhinos, also known as the hooked-lip rhino, were poached mainly for their horns in the early 1990s, which led to the rhinos near extinction. The black rhino once roamed the extent of Africa’s sub-continent. Now the rhinos are primarily found in Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Nimibia and Zimbabwe because of the demand for the horns. The rhino population has declined in those countries from 65,000 in the 1960s to 25,000 today (Rhino, Internet). Rhino horns†¦show more content†¦The country of Yemen imports 1,500 kilograms of horn each year, about half of which is used to fashion the dagger handles. Dagger handles would not seem to be a practical use because the horns are composed of hard protein and keratin compounded by hair, but when the horns are polished, they look like grained, dark, translucent, amber (Tudge, 1991, 34). Dehorning is one method to prevent poachers from shooting a rhino. Dehorning, the process of removing the front and rear horns of a rhino (Wright, 1991, 36), is a simple procedure, although only trained professionals are allowed to practice it because of the safety for both the rhino and veterinarian. If the safety of both the rhino and the veterinarian is low, it is pointless to dehorn if the species is harmed (Atkinson, Internet). For maximum safety, veterinarians tranquilize the rhino with a tranquilizer dart fired from a rifle with the correct dosage for the size and weight of the rhino. Two veterinarians then use a handsaw or a chainsaw to cut just above the rhino’s snout to remove the horns. The veterinarians coat the remainder of the horn with tar to prevent infection. After the dehorning process there is a regrowth of the horn, so the process has to be repeated every 12-18 months (Atkinson, Internet). The rhino is not harmed during or afterwards and no side effects have been reported (Atkinson, Internet). Rhinos were even reported to attack film crews with their broad snouts and also protected their young fromShow MoreRelatedEndagerment of the Black Rhino1326 Words  | 5 Pagesof the Black Rhino The first thought that comes to mind when a person mentions a rhinoceros is that they are huge and nearly indestructible; however, this is not the case at all. The population of the black rhinoceros and other rhinoceros’ in general is quickly diminishing due to poaching and habitat destruction. In Kenya alone, the population has gone from 20,000 to less than 600. Their species is classified overall as critically endangered while the subspecies of Western Black Rhinos has beenRead MoreRhino poaching2018 Words  | 9 Pages Research Report: Rhino poaching: 1. Introduction to Rhinos: Rhinos are unique animals. There are 6 different rhino species (The White, Black, The greater one horned, Sumatran and the Javan Rhinos) around the world South Africa is home to two the Black and White Rhinos. Rhinos are more closely related to horses as opposed to elephants. They are massive, hoof creatures with extremely thick skin, bulky, strong bodies and at least one horn that extend from their noses. They are timid herbivores whoRead MoreDescriptive Essay : Good Job ! 2093 Words  | 9 Pagesfind food somewhere else. They are, therefore, the lowest level threat to wildlife and rangers. The next elevation comes from commercial poachers, who are targeting bushmeat or other natural products to sell. This may be either on illegal, black markets or through legal means, however, the acquisition through poaching remains illegal no matter the end market. Commercial poachers range in danger posed to rangers, and can be found to use anything from the traditional weapons mentioned earlier
Monday, December 9, 2019
Las Dos Caras Del Patroncito/ Chicano Literature free essay sample
This is a role play that is about a caught between two different worlds, the two faces of the boss between a Mexican farm worker. This play takes place in 1965, in the grape strike in Delano, California. In front of thousands of frameworks and its been traumatized Immediate for the Intense feelings of its audience. Lass dos cars del Patrolled play Is short, but to the point, moralistic, Intending to express the anger of the workers and how this motivate them to ]Olin the union.Also settable the growers and reveal their injustice. Luis Valued the writer of this play is a young drama graduate in 1965, that decide to join the United Farm worker Organizing Committee by Cesar Shaves. His vision was guide to a political and artistic way. He creates popular theater that supports the organization activities on the striking farm workers. According to the reading Lass dos cars del Patrolled it about a Mexican farm worker that had been brought from Mexico to work In the grape field. We will write a custom essay sample on Las Dos Caras Del Patroncito/ Chicano Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page HIS Patrolled Is two faces. That always talk to his farm worker Squalor about how much he love Mexican people , how bless they were to have that work, and how they were so lucky because they dont have pay taxes . Also how the Patriotic laments his own riches as a burden, revealing that sometimes he would like to be a Mexican, without worries. Esquires in the other side always listen to his boss everything he tell him, knowing that he Is poor and need that Job to survive and how lucky is the boss for everything he had. On the other side, the Patrolled always try to make the Mexicans look better hat himself but at the same time he was trying to be more that them. Like when he tells Esquires everything he owned and how rich he was. Every time the boss enter to the fields he always wear a yellow pig mask and making the roaring sound of the motor of a limousine, like he was driving an imaginary one. The Patriotic always try to make a good conversation theme with Esquires, like when he give the example how Mexicans love to drive trucks.How they always wear their sombreros and how the wind make their hair fly. On the other hand Squalor feel good when he talks so good about Mexicans , so he try to give a hug to him . Lamentably the Patrolled Push him away ,telling Esquires that he love Mexicans but at the same time he love them ten feet away from him . The Patriotic make another comment about how he prefers Mexican instead of Filipinos or Arabs workers.On the other hand Esquires feel better with that comment and he offer to shine his shoes for a comment he said but at that exactly moment a Bodyguard Charlie enters as an ape asking to the Patrolled If everything was all right. The Patrolled just make the comment that everything was all right, just that he is one of his Mexican workers trying to shine his shoes. After that happened, the Patriotic like always complaining about everything like the expensive car he had to buy and how much it cost.And how rich he was and how much it hurt buying it. The Patriotic say to Esquires how lucky is, for ride on his trucks for free. Also how much his white wife cost and how every weekend she wants much he wish to be Mexican, Just like one of his own boy. On the other hand Esquires was surprised for the comment of his boss , so he motivate his boss to be a rancher for a day, until he convinced his Patriotic, so he exchanges roles with Farm worker, know the Patriotic with out the yellow pig mask and with a sombrero look exactly as a Mexican.Esquires who rapidly assumes the dominant position. Start giving orders to Patriotic like Ship up and get to work, giving him different name, pushing at him. Also making comment about how those houses belong to him, that Lincoln too, and how that white women was her wife. He was talking the same way his boss always talk to every frameworks, On the other Hand The Patriotic start getting mad, and asking why he treat him like that, why he was so dominant , and trying to make him superior.The Frameworks start talking like his Patron telling everything he had , how much he pay for it , and how he pay the Patriotic to work for him. The Patriotic started getting mad really mad, because he did not like the tone of voice and how dominant the farm worker was being with him. So he tell the frameworks to give his lace back but the framework refuse him and call Charlie the bodyguard, he was unaware of the game that has become serious and drags the Patriotic off to whip him, thinking that he is a framework.Finally the farm worker wearing the pig mask he gives back the house, the land, and the car to the boss. But the only thing he keeps is the cigar. In conclusion I think this reading it is trying to tell us that the Patriotic was a Mexican like the farm worker but he Just feel superior of them, and that why he was wearing a pig mask that symbolize something, like protecting his identity, and this ironworker Just listen to his boss and keep every feeling inside of him, because sometimes thing that his boss said hurt him.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The New Immigration Essays - American Culture,
The New Immigration In 1886 the statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World," a gift from the people of France, was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland. Set at the entrance to New York, the statue was just in time to greet the biggest migration in global history. Between 1880 and World War I, about 22 million men, women, and children entered the United States. More than a million arrived in each of the years 1905, 1906, 1907, 1910, 1913, and 1914. Not everyone had to travel in steerage. Passengers who could afford the expense paid for first- or second-class quarters. Upon arrival these immigrants were examined by courteous officials who boarded the ships at anchor. But those in steerage were sent to a holding center for a full physical and mental examination. The facility at Ellis Island which opened in 1892 could process up to 5,000 people a day. On some days between 1905 and 1914 it had to process more than 10,000 immigrants a day. Many arrivals had left their homelands to escape mobs who attacked them because of their ethnicity, religion, or politics. The German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman (Turkish) empires ruled over many different peoples and nationalities and often cruelly mistreated them. Until 1899, U.S. immigration officials asked arrivals which nation they had left, not their religion or ancestry. So oppressed people were listed under the countries from which they fled. Armenians who escaped from Turkey were recorded as Turks, and Jews who had been beaten by mobs in Russia were listed as Russians. This so called "new immigration" was different in many other ways from previous immigration. For the first time, Catholic an Jewish immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims, Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members. Until 1897, 90 percent of all overseas immigrants had come from Protestant northern and western Europe. Many of these nations had democratic traditions and education systems. Even among the poor, many had spent a few years in school or had acquired some industrial skills on the job, and more than a few spoke English. Many of these men and women settled in agriculture regions of the Untied States. Their goal was to buy readily available land and start small family farms. The people of the new immigration differed from earlier arrivals on other ways. Very few spoke English, and some could not read or write any language. Most were Catholic, but ten percent were Jewish. All of this was soon proved to be not true. Only one third were actually illiterate, and 90 percent of those who could not speak English learned to do in less than ten years after they arrived. Their stamina helped make America an industrial giant and the world's economic power. The new immigrants came at a turning point in American growth. Bosses rarely knew their workers. Class animosity often divided management and labor. Corporations showed little interest in their workers. Instead, these business sought to maximize profits. To lower wages, plant managers often tried to pit one racial, religious, or ethnic minority against another to keep the pot of hostility boiling. A labor paper reported that employers were "keeping up a constant war of the races." Bosses placed spies among their employees so they could report "troublemakers" - any who urged workers to organize unions.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Comparing Ethan Frome To The Scarlet Letter
â€Å"Ethan Frome†by Edith Wharton is about a man named Ethan and his struggle to find happiness. He lives in a run down farm with his wife Zeena who thinks that she is sick. After Taking care of Zeena for six years they hire Mattie to help around the house, Ethan falls in love with her and they have a relationship suspicious to Zeena. This novel is quite similar to â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†by Nathanial Hawthorne. Some of the main similarities are, affairs outside their marriages and physical memories resulting from them as well as unhappy endings. With Ethan’s mother very sick, his cousin Zeena came to relieve Ethan and become her aunts nurse. Ethan’s mother died and after the funeral after moving out Ethan asked Zeena to marry her out of his fear of being alone in the farm house. After the marriage Zeena became sick and nobody knew with what and when Mattie came to help around the house. Ethan fell in love with her having another relationship while he was married. In the Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne had an arranged marriage with Roger Chillingworth who sent her to a colony in Massachusetts before him. After two years of not seeing her husband she had an affair with her minister Reverend Dimmsdale, while she was married. After some time Zeena became suspicious of Mattie and Ethan and sent Mattie away, saying she needed hired help. Ethan confessed his love to Mattie who felt the same way. They wanted to run away together but Ethan was a poor man and could not afford a train ticket, suicide seemed to be the only solution of getting away from Zeena. Ethan and Mattie planed on crashing their sled into a tree suspecting it would kill them, but it only left Mattie Crippled from the neck down and Ethan with a horrible limp. In Hester’s case the result of her affair was a child, Pearl. Both these were a constant memory of what they had done. Ethan wanted to spend the rest of his life with Mattie, and he got his wish... Free Essays on Comparing Ethan Frome To The Scarlet Letter Free Essays on Comparing Ethan Frome To The Scarlet Letter â€Å"Ethan Frome†by Edith Wharton is about a man named Ethan and his struggle to find happiness. He lives in a run down farm with his wife Zeena who thinks that she is sick. After Taking care of Zeena for six years they hire Mattie to help around the house, Ethan falls in love with her and they have a relationship suspicious to Zeena. This novel is quite similar to â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†by Nathanial Hawthorne. Some of the main similarities are, affairs outside their marriages and physical memories resulting from them as well as unhappy endings. With Ethan’s mother very sick, his cousin Zeena came to relieve Ethan and become her aunts nurse. Ethan’s mother died and after the funeral after moving out Ethan asked Zeena to marry her out of his fear of being alone in the farm house. After the marriage Zeena became sick and nobody knew with what and when Mattie came to help around the house. Ethan fell in love with her having another relationship while he was married. In the Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne had an arranged marriage with Roger Chillingworth who sent her to a colony in Massachusetts before him. After two years of not seeing her husband she had an affair with her minister Reverend Dimmsdale, while she was married. After some time Zeena became suspicious of Mattie and Ethan and sent Mattie away, saying she needed hired help. Ethan confessed his love to Mattie who felt the same way. They wanted to run away together but Ethan was a poor man and could not afford a train ticket, suicide seemed to be the only solution of getting away from Zeena. Ethan and Mattie planed on crashing their sled into a tree suspecting it would kill them, but it only left Mattie Crippled from the neck down and Ethan with a horrible limp. In Hester’s case the result of her affair was a child, Pearl. Both these were a constant memory of what they had done. Ethan wanted to spend the rest of his life with Mattie, and he got his wish...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why “follow your passion†is bad advice
Why â€Å"follow your passion†is bad advice â€Å"Do what you love††¦ that’s the dream, right? Everyone fantasizes at some point about quitting their day job and going full-time after something they already love to do, whether it’s a hobby or a secret passion. Steve Jobs once famously said, â€Å"The only way to do great work is to love what you do.†So what could possibly be the drawback of making your passion your career? 6 reasons passion shouldn’t drive your career1. Not everyone has a passionIf you feel like you should be pursuing something you’re passionate about in order to feel fulfilled, that presents an immediate question: what is your passion, anyway? For some, it’s an easy answer. For others, not so much. If â€Å"do what you love†sounds more like a command and less like an opportunity, then that pressure may lead you to do something just for the sake of doing it- not because it’s the right path.It’s totally okay to keep your passion as a free-time activity. It’s also okay to have a lot of different interests instead of one driving passion. Not everyone feels a calling to do one particular thing, forever and ever.2. Passion might not pay the billsYour career is about the life you want to create for yourself- it’s a comprehensive picture. For most people, that includes long-term stability for themselves and/or their families. Pursuing your lifelong love of being a performing accordionist may sound appealing now, but what’s your strategy for the long haul? If you can’t plan how your passion path will be sustainable as a career and not just a temporary choice, then it’s probably not the best professional option.3. Pursuing your passion may not solve your problemsFollowing your passion may seem extra appealing for a lot of reasons: stress at work, boredom, and general life malaise are a few. But even if you mar ch into your boss’s office and hand in your resignation tomorrow, that doesn’t mean your life will be magically happier or more fulfilling. Before you consider making any big life change, it’s important to think about why you’re making the choice, and what (realistically) you will achieve by doing it.4. Making a career out of a passion can blur boundariesIf you love to do, say, stand-up comedy on nights and weekends, but keep it entirely separate from your day job as a nursing assistant, that might not be a bad thing. If you make your passion your career, that means you’re going to be spending a lot of time on and off the clock thinking about it, doing it, and engaging with it. There’s definitely something to be said about setting work-life boundaries and keeping a balance.And it could be that comedy is a great release for your work stress or daily routine, but wouldn’t be as fun when you’re not only doing it all the time, but also need to focus on making it pay the bills. Will you love doing this as much when it’s your main source of income and you’re doing it every day?5. What we love may not be what we’re strongest at doingFact of life: sometimes our passions don’t line up with our skills. For example: I love to bake. I’m decent at it, but definitely don’t have the skills or infrastructure to do it professionally. And although sometimes I think about what it would be like to quit my office job and bake cookies full-time, I’ve made peace with the fact that my most marketable professional skills are geared toward jobs outside the kitchen.What we love to do and what we’re trained/educated/great at doing may not be the same thing at all. So when someone tells you to follow your passion as a career, there’s a significant risk that what we love to do on an amateur level just may not be a strong choice for going pro.6. Even passion projects require a planâ€Å"Follow your passion†is very vague. The logistics of your new passion career are probably not. For example, would your new business require you to get additional education or certification if you were to go pro? What kind of connections would you need to dig up employment opportunities in your passion field? There’s a very good chance that elevating a passion to a career would involve starting over in many different ways, so be prepared to plan it out beyond â€Å"I really like doing this, therefore I should do it full-time.†Making a personal passion into a career sounds like great, life-affirming advice- and it can be. But in many cases, it’s just not feasible or sustainable. So before you follow your bliss, consider all aspects of your hot new career path. And remember: there’s no shame in doing a job that may not inspire an all-consuming passion. If you’re doing work that challenges you and helps you fulfill your goals, you’re already doing pretty well!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Two Types Of Arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two Types Of Arguments - Essay Example It should not be based on personal opinion (although there is always room to present personal opinions) rather a good argument would be based on facts, figures and data which can be supported by relevant research (Ramage & Bean, 1989). In fact, research is a fundamental part of any argument being made since it shows that a person has studied the topic in detail and the conclusions made by them are based on facts. The argument concludes with a summation of all the facts that support the argument and (if possible) refute the facts that go against the position being taken by the speaker/writer. In the conclusion, the person making the argument can also give his/her personal opinion if it is acceptable to do so. Normally such opinions can be given unless the rules of conduct expressly forbid them as in certain setting within a court of law (Ramage & Bean, 1989). With the summation, the position argument ends with a reinforcement of the thesis and the premise of the argument. This type of argument asks the writer/speaker to present a solution to a given problem or to convince the readers/audience to take some actions based on the proposal being offered to them. The central part of the argument is often emotional and people can be motivated into action by empathy, friendship, love, even fear and hatred. Despite the emotional element, a rational element is also necessary since it shows that the argument comes from a logical stand point and has the necessary factual weight behind it as a rational support (Fraigley & Lester, 2004). Such arguments are most commonly seen on TV news shows where different speakers may present different solutions for a hot topic. For instance, the war on terror or the situation in the Middle East may bring out different responses and different proposals from various individuals and they can argue about their plan being better than
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Breast Cancer Occurring during Pregnancy Research Paper
Breast Cancer Occurring during Pregnancy - Research Paper Example Women have a 12.67 % of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. ( National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Cancer Statistics Review rates from 2001 to 2003.) According to Loibl S, von Minckwitz G, Gwyn K, et al. (2006) the condition will occur in one in 3000 pregnancies. Despite this, there have been few recent studies on the subject, especially those seeking to look for the histopathologic and immunohistochemical features which are combined in breast carcinomas in these patients, possibly because of the comparative rarity of the condition. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC), often referred to as gestational breast cancer; can be defined as any cancer of the breast diagnosed during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum including lactation (Molchovsky & Madarnas, 2008). However, there is considerable variation among authors, with defined postpartum periods ranging from 6 months to 2 years. (Psyrri & Burtness, 2005). Another idea is that PABC can be defined as occurring during pregnancy and until lactation ceases. PABC is the second most common malignancy in women, after cervical carcinoma, and occurs in 1 in 3000 pregnancies (Pavilidis & Pentharoudakis, 2005). A mother is already facing the huge changes that come with a new child and when breast cancer is diagnosed concurrently with pregnancy and lactation this becomes a very challenging situation for the patient, physically but also psychologically and socially, as well as her family, physicians, and other health care providers. Treatment options, either local or systemic, are limited by concerns about possibly harming the fetus, and are also conditioned by the gestational length of the pregnancy.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Legion of Honor Trip Essay Example for Free
Legion of Honor Trip Essay This semester marked the first time I had stepped foot onto any type of school or college in over six years. I must say things have changed. Everything seems to be taken over by the internet and I’m not exactly sure I like this idea just for the fact that it takes away from past habits. Furthermore, I am extremely glad that I had the opportunity to enroll in this Art 165 class because it taught me not only the history of art but how to appreciate it as well. As I drove up the road to the Legion of Honor I had no idea what to expect. What I found was a beautiful structure with amazing scenery to surround the museum. It really wasn’t like anything I had ever seen or been to before, if you can tell I don’t leave town very much. After making my admission official with putting on my un-adhesive sticker, I walked into a space of extraordinary history. Not knowing where to start, I began on to the left where I found artworks from the Medieval times and the Renaissance. In the room there was an incredible ceiling that displayed what I thought was an early pendentive. While in the Renaissance room, I seen a painting by El Greco that really caught my eye. It was his painting Saint Francis Kneeling in Meditation. This painting is an oil on canvas and was done around 1605-1610. The art work explains the life of Saint Francis and his love to Jesus. People at the museum were saying that Saint Francis was a very poor man who always had his own death on his mind. He wondered constantly how he was going to die and if it was going to be a nice or painful death. The painting shows him kneeling and praising Jesus while having a skull in the background making you feel as if he was having death on his mind. The artist must relate to Saint Francis because on the issue of death or some type of detachment to the world because most of El Greco’s art shows humans in a very pale, thin and unhealthy perspective. The brushwork was extremely detailed with a beautiful diagonal composition. Entering the Baroque and Rococo section of the museum I seen the Equestrian Statue of Charles III. It was produced by Tommaso Solari of Italy in 1762. At first sight, you would think it was Donatello’s Gattamelata. The next thing you find out, is that it’s wax! Maybe that was common in these times, however, being that we never went over any wax statues or wax artworks, this was astounding to me. From a 360 degree point of view, this piece of art had me in awe. How does something made of wax stay so delicate and well preserved? If you look at the straps on the sides of the horses mouth or in King Charles’ hand, you would actually think they were real because of the extreme detail. Da Vinci had been commissioned to create a large scale horse which was never produced, however, seems to me the horse that King Charles is riding has a very familiar pose as well as its features as did Da Vinci’s concept. As I walked through the museum I found myself in the 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Painting room. There I seen a very different still life portrait. It was titled Hunting Still Life by the Flemish painter Jan Fyt. This oil on canvas was produced in 1655. It is told that his influences for hunting portraits and still life were from his teacher named Snyders. This still life contains graphic images of dead animals such as birds, chickens and a rabbit or hare tied to a rifle. I believe this portrait shows a great example of Tenebroso in the way the light shines on the animals making them the subject of the portrait. If you look at it closely the sunlight on the clouds says that the sun is coming from the opposite direction that the light that is shining on the animals is coming from. You can see the dog staring at its light source as if he’s defending the animals from cruelty, there is also a badger or some type of creature hissing at that light source as well saying â€Å"Get back! †Since dogs meant fidelity in paintings, then this dog is being true to his own kind in that sense and his red collar probably represents his compassion. I find myself a sucker for still life portraits and I enjoyed this one especially for its uniqueness.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gambling on the Internet Essay -- online casinos
Coming to Terms You roll the dice, you look at the cards, you pick a team then you pray. The whole idea is that you feel you have an edge over others, and that you are lucky. You think that you can beat the house, and in this new age of technology you can bring it all into the comfort of your home. This is how online gambling was created. In recent years online gambling has become more and more popular; a report released last year by a stock analyst said that online gambling revenues will nearly triple $3 billion by this year. To the many sports fan out there, how many times have you said, "Anyone could have predicted the outcome of that game." The truth is that gambling isn't easy. That is why it's called gambling, you are taking a calculated risk which you believe gives you a good chance of coming out on top. Often the people who decide that they want to start an online gambling account do not understand what they are getting into. There are two types of online gamblers. There are those who should be going to gamblers anonymous and those who think that online gambling is a quick fix to financial problems. To get started the user must give out an assortment of personal information including contact numbers and credit card numbers. For certain accounts they attract you with the promise free money. For example you may receive 10% free of your initial deposit. The entire idea of a deposit is to put a certain amount of money into an account and then you use this to gamble. After you have electronically signed away your credit cards and personal information you can start to have fun. Now you get to lose some money, maybe you will get lucky and break even. When sitting at a card table, in front of a slot machine or preparing ... ... million of dollars owed to investors. In the end you must realize that all forms of gambling incur a certain amount of chance. Work Cited Gilmour, Kim. â€Å"Viva Las Vegas.†Expanded Academic ASAP. March 2009. Internet Magazine. 31 May 2009!xrn_1_0_A96304982?sw_aep=viva_jmu Janower, Cynthia. â€Å"Gambling on the Internet†, Familiar Territory or Lawless Frontiers, September 1996. 28 May 2009 McDonald, Marci. â€Å"Betting the House.†Expanded Academic ASAP. 16 October 2000. U.S. News & World Report. 31 May 2009!xrn_3_0_A65913404?sw_aep=viva_jmu McGrath, James. Personal Interview. 2 April 2009
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reaction Paperâ€Nonfiction Essay
When reading I came across some interesting non-fiction story and letter written by well known authors. They were all good but there was two that I had the most reaction to. When I came across these two letters I felt like I had a connection with the author. The letter Salvation by Langston Huge, when I read could relate to it cause I to come from a christen background, and in the story by Lam about his mother I felt like keeping family tradition should always remain I a person life. So I thought it would be good to explain my reaction in detail by stating the strategies, themes and what makes these non-fiction stories. In the story â€Å"Who Will Light the Incense When Mother’s Gone†by Andrew Lam, the author Lam give the reader a personal account of his life. While at a birthday party for his mother who was turning seventy, he overheard his mother ask his aunt, â€Å"Who will light the incense we I’m gone†? This was a traditional thing that see did, the light of the incense was done to acknowledged the dead, and to talk to them and ask for help from them. He then struggles with himself wondering why he doesn’t feel the need to want to continue this life long tradition. When looking through this story I found out that Lam used biographic strategy to help the read fully understand his point of view. With this strategy lam was able to give the reader an indebt description of what it was like for him growing up, as a young Americanized Vietnamese man. He make mention that his mom often ask him to speak their native tongue, when he was a teen. His response was â€Å"what good is it to speak it? It not like I’m going to use it when I move out.†At end of the story the read is left with mixed emotion, will he every commit to his families tradition and start to light the incense or will he continue to live his life the same he always has. When reading the story â€Å"Salvation†by Langston Hughes I thing that he also used the strategy biographic criticism, which he uses to explain to the reader how he feels about h is childhood conversion. As he goes through his story he used this strategy as a base in which to convey to the reader the problem he had growing up. In the story he was twelve and was participating in his aunt’s church revival. It was the last day of the revival, which meant that the youth of the church was to be saved. During the days leading up to this event, his aunt tells him that to be saved he will see a light and Jesus appear and then he will be saved. He and the other youth was brought to the front of the church, Langston never saw Jesus and was pleasured to be saved. He explains to the reader that he was not sure what he was feeling. At the end of this story he explains that this event that he went through was a lonely one. He is then seen crying and his aunt again blames it on him being saved but Hughes says it was because he lied to God and to his aunt. This form of writing is seen throughout the whole story. The fact that is a form of biography show the reader a part of himself that otherwise would not been seen. While reading â€Å"Who Will light The Incense When Mother Gone†by Andrew Lam, I had several different type of felling. The way lam tell the story about mother and his family traditions, made think and try to relate to both him and his mother. In some way I could relate to Lam, I the youngest of five and in some sense my family had some tradition. Although are way wasn’t as intense as Lam and his family. It was too driven by religion. I grow up in a christen family with my father being a preacher. So I would have to attend church almost three times a day. During the summer I would go to church base camps. It was like a routine every year. As I grown older I started to form my own idea about life, and with this new found freedom I was able to pick what church I wanted to attend on Sunday, I also didn’t have to go at all. So as I stop going my d Dad would pressure even more to live the life he wanted. Even now I go to church, but I often thing it is because I was told to. On the other hand I can understand where is mother is coming from. I think that Lam’s mother only want to preserve what little bit of her legacy, and when she is gone she knows that there is no hope of that. Every sense she moved from Vietnamese her kid had become Americanized and is slowly losing all touch of their heritage. She just wants to know that not all things from her pass will we erased. As for the theme of from â€Å"Salvation†by Langston Hughes, the reaction I had was very personal. I have never been in that type of situation, I have been in places where people was in a sense forced to life changing decision. Like Langston I too attended week long revival, like Langston I was told what to look for and what feeling to expect while attending church. I was a little upset to see the way he was treated in this essay. As a preacher son I to know a lot about religion, and what I read was not the correct approach. To force you believes on any one like that is to me morally incorrect. He was told what to feel and see and he failed to see that, so he didn’t want to get up, like the other kids. I think that he should have just told his aunt how he felt and it would had saved him a lot of grieve. In these stories one most consider that they are non-fiction, simply for the reason that they are realistic account of the author’s lives. Both stories are narrated by the authors themselves, the authors write about certain events conflicts that they both went through at a young age. They then used their creative writing skill to get the reader interested with the subject they were writing on. Although based on a fact or actual experience, both writers have to use their imagination to rewrite their experiences, to make the feelings or ideas that were needed to convey to the readers. The authors have used their skills and styles to capture the audience imagination as the stories go on. Since the reader had not experienced what the author was going through, the authors were challenged to bring the reader into their lives when they were just young men. This was done to help the reader to understand the ages and, mental state of the two authors. On the other hand the reader must also use some sense of imagination to recreate the scenes in the stories.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mid-Term Break and On My First Sonne Comparison Essay
Discuss the ways in which these poets explore the universal themes of grief and loss. (Seamus Heaney’s ‘Mid-Term Break’ and Ben Johnson’s ‘On My First Sonne’. In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the two poems ‘Mid-Term Break’ by Seamus Heaney and ‘On My First Sonne’ by Ben Johnson. I will be focusing on their elegaic qualities aswell as their universal themes of grief and loss. ‘Mid-Term Break’ is about the aftermath of Seamus Heaney’s 4 year old brother’s tragic death and how his family and friends express their emotions and cope with the sudden loss. Whereas the 17th Century poet, Ben Johnson is writing to express his sorrow for the death of his 7 year old son dealing with his feelings of loss rather than thinking about the reasons for the death or the effects of this on the rest of the family. These are the intended effects they both have which I will be exploring and I shall be outlining reasons for this aswell in the rest of this essay including the interesting poetic devices and structure Ben Johnson and Seamus Heaney use and how they are similar and different from each other. ‘On My First Sonne’ was published on the year 1616 and is therefore more religiously based as at that time life was dominated by religious views. ‘Mid-Term Break’ was published in the 1980s so this will help me analyse the views of the 20th Century in comparison to the 17th Century and this is a main area I will be focusing on after an in-depth analysis of the intended effects of these poets when writing their poems. ‘On My First Sonne’ has a different intended effect overall in comparison to ‘Mid-Term Break’. One of the main reasons for this is that Ben Johnson is writing as a literal attempt to reach out to his son to say his final farewell with lines such as ‘Rest in soft peace, and, ask’d, say here doth lye’ which makes it seem that Johnson is communicating with his son. Seamus Heaney’s poem is more of a narrative describing what happened on the day of his four year old brother’s sudden death. In my opinion it seems as if Seamus Heaney is sharing his experience with other people who may have suffered in the same way and is exploring the emotions of more than just his own. To exemplify this point, on lines 4 and 5 it says ‘I met my father crying – He had always taken funerals in his stride.’ This contrasts between ‘On My First Sonne’ and ‘Mid-Term Break’ on two levels, the first being that Ben Johnson has only included his own feelings in this poem such as on line 2 which says ‘My sinne was too much hope of thee, lov’d boy’ This has the effect that his poem is private between him and his son and is like a one-sided conversation. Whereas ‘Mid-Term Break’ has a different intended audience altogether, I know this because the style of Heaney’s poem is a first-person point of view in the format of a story and there are more emotions and feelings described including his parents and family members’ aswell as friends. By analysing the poetic voice and intent I can confidently make an opinion that ‘Mid-Term Break’ elegizes Heaney’s loss of his brother and ‘On My First Sonne’ is a lamentation for the loss of Johnson’s son. Both poets explore the themes of grief and loss in their poems. An example of the emotions of grief in ‘Mid-Term Break’ can be explained by line 4 which identifies the many elements he has incorporated in a subtle and in this case a distinct manner which says ‘I met my father crying’, this blatantly shows the mourning of a close family member. But this feature does not appear in ‘On My First Sonne’, not only that he has not described anyone’s feelings other than his own but he does not show expressions of grief in such a blunt form as in Heaney’s poem. Johnson has described in line 5, ‘O, could I loose all father, now. For why’, that he has intense grief and is questioning faith for why it happened to him. But the abrupt features account for the theme of loss in each poem aswell which is similarly very open in ‘Mid-Term Break’ leaving nothing to the imagination, it paints a full picture of the scene in line 16, saying ‘Snowdrops and candles soothed the bedside I saw him for the first time in six weeks. Paler now,’ this tells the reader the loss that everyone suffered and a place of mourn was set up for a long time in Heaney’s brother’s old room. Also, the themes of loss do not only reflect on what family members and friends suffered. It suggests the loss of a childhood in two forms, Heaney and his brother. The reason being that obviously a child has passed away, but Heaney had to act very mature and throw away his child-like naivety to be told the horrible truth and to cope with the situation. I know this because it says ‘When I came in, I was embarrassed by old men standing up to shake my hand’ which is on lines 8 and 9, he was uncomfortable with the maturity and attention he had to face and so shows embarrassment when he had to deal with people in a mature manner. On the other hand, ‘On My First Sonne’ does not fully show the reader that Johnson has encountered loss but with such lines as ‘Seven yeeres tho’ wert lent to me, and I thee pay,’ (line 3) it tells the reader that he has had seven years of joy with his son and relates it to ‘borrowed’ time that was paid back to god, subtly including his religious views which dominated the era of the 1600s. The themes of grief and loss are overall shown in a more distinct manner in Heaney’s poem whereas Ben Johnson has mainly kept these descriptions more subtle and suggestive. There is a highly effective word, ‘father’, that in context of line 3 ‘could I loose all father, now’ is a great example to the religious as opposed to secular world of the 17th century as it has two meanings; the first is that father is another name for God, Christianity was the dominant religion and is a very dramatic word even in the 21st Century for religious believers as he is questioning his faith for why God has bestowed a horrible life-changing experience against him. In other words, he is saying ‘could I lose all faith, now’. The other meaning for ‘father’ is that Johnson had lost his son and status as a parent. Alternatively, in Seamus Heaney’s poem he has used next to no religious suggestions and phrases at all. Instead, he has entered a mainly secular approach with sentences that have hidden meanings such as ‘The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram’ which represents the care-free, naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve life of a child. Each poem has a completely different structure from one another; the first factor I can clearly see is the layout of the stanzas which in ‘Mid-Term Break’ has a clear 3 line pattern. But underneath this outline shows enjambment from stanzas 3 to 5 which is very effective in linking the stanzas together. This technique is used probably to tell a story of what happened when he went into his home on the first day home from college since his brother had died and is effective at creating a scene as it wasn’t limited to 3 lines in a stanza. ‘On My First Sonne’ is entirely different altogether in the fact that the full poem has only one stanza which is 12 lines long but is similar in a way that it isn’t limited to a number of lines in separate stanzas. A small factor I can also see is the final line in ‘Mid-Term Break’ which has a great effect in compelling the reader to make up their minds on how he was feeling in an eerie final sentence. In terms of the language choice he has used in my opinion he is expressing anger by using the dramatic metaphor ‘A four foot box, a foot for every year’ which means that his brother was only four years old. Ben Johnson has included a dramatic sentence that represents the bad influences and effects the world has on a child and that his son has escaped it in line 7 which says ‘To have soon scap’d worlds and fleshes rage’, this represents that he has escaped evil and temptation (In the Lord’s Prayer). Overall, my opinion on these two poems is that Seamus Heaney’s ‘Mid-Term Break’ and Ben Johnson’s ‘On My First Sonne’ although similar in representing the themes of grief and loss, are two very different poems in factors such as their intended audiences and religious / secular views. The structure of the poems are very different in stanzas and grammar (Because of era when published) and both of the poems do explore the themes in a similar way but for different intended purposes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Neuclear Power essays
Neuclear Power essays Most of the worlds electricity is generated by either thermal or hydroelectric power plants. Thermal power plants use fuel to boil water which makes steam. The steam turns turbines that generate electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the great force of rushing water from a dam or a waterfall to turn the turbines. The majority of thermal power plants burn fossil fuels because thermal power plants are cheaper to maintain and have to meet less of the governments requirements compared to nuclear power plants. Fossil fuels are coal and oil. The downfall of using fossil fuels is that they are limited. Fossil fuels are developed from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. Burning fossil fuels has other downfalls, too. All the burning that is required to turn the turbines releases much sulfur, nitrogen gases, and other pollutants into the The cleanest, cheapest, and least polluting power plant of the two types is the hydroelectric power plant. The main reason most countries use thermal versus the hydroelectric is because their countries dont have enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate electricity. (World Book vol. 14, 586) Nuclear power plants generate only about eleven percent of the worlds electricity. There are around 316 nuclear power plants in the world that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA) Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission. Fission occurs when atoms nucleus split and cause a nuclear reaction. (General Information) When a free neutron splits a nucleus, energy is released along with free neutrons, fission fragments that give off beta rays, and gamma rays. A free neutron from the nucleus that just split splits another nucleus. This process continues on and is called a chain reaction. (World Book vol. 14, 588) The fission process is u...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
20 Synonyms for Excuse
20 Synonyms for Excuse 20 Synonyms for Excuse 20 Synonyms for Excuse By Mark Nichol The sentiment behind the verb excuse can be expressed in many ways, whether the sense is of â€Å"remove blame from†or â€Å"stop blaming†(or even, in many cases, â€Å"deflect attention from blame†). Here are twenty words and phrases that will serve, along with their pertinent meanings. 1. absolve: free from guilt or responsibility 2. acquit: discharge from accusation or obligation; also, perform satisfactorily (as in the statement â€Å"I am certain that he will acquit himself well†) 3. blink at: approve of something wrong or allow something wrong to continue 4. brush aside: ignore or disregard something that is wrong 5. clear: free from accusation or blame (usually, in reference to someone clearing one’s name, or establishing one’s innocence) 6. close one’s eyes to: see â€Å"blink at†7. condone: see â€Å"blink at†8. discount: minimize the importance of something 9. dismiss: reject the importance of something, or formally act to excuse, as when criminal charges are dismissed 10. exculpate: prove not guilty 11. exonerate: see exculpate 12. forgive: stop blaming, or excuse someone’s transgression 13. gloss over: treat as not important 14. overlook: see â€Å"blink at†15. paper over: see â€Å"blink at†(also means â€Å"hide†) 16. pardon: see absolve 17. shrug off: see â€Å"blink at†18. vindicate: show that someone is not guilty (also means â€Å"validate or confirm something criticized or doubted†) 19. wave off: see â€Å"blink at†20. wink at: see â€Å"blink at†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)7 Tips for Writing a Film Review40 Synonyms for Praise
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sandra Backlund's life and fashin design Coursework
Sandra Backlund's life and fashin design - Coursework Example The Swedish designer, Sandra Backlund, was born in 1975 in Stockholm where she lives even today. While she wanted to be a hairstylist when she was about 10, her grandmother regular taught her how to knit. As she grew up, she always considered it a conscious decision to start what her mother often praised her of being excellently talented; handicrafts. She attributes the absence of fascinating fashion to buy as an adolescent as a key factor that motivated her to create her own clothes from the ideas taught by her grandmother. Her desire to express herself artistically further motivated her to join the Beckmans College. In 2004, Backlund graduated from Beckmans College in Stockholm and later that year, sought financial assistance from friends and family to set up her individual eponymous label from where she has been working round-the-clock since then. After setting up the eponymous label in 2004, Backlund fully became exposed to the world of art winning many accolades thereafter. For instance, she was crowned the winner of the Grand Prix in the De Monde & Photographie in Hyeres international festival in France, and the British Fashion Council awarded her the NewGen sponsorship in 2009 as asserted by Battista. In 2010, Backlund extended her success by winning the Swedish Elle Award.Backlund’s success left decriers and supporters flabbergasted. Despite the challenges she faced being in an industry that was previously perceived to be chauvinistic, Backlund sojourned on attracting the awe of the international fashion community.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
To what extent were ancient historians concerned to achieve a high Essay
To what extent were ancient historians concerned to achieve a high standard of objectivity in the production of their narratives - Essay Example Many a scholar has commented that even if objectivity is achieved by a historian, such objectivity always remains confined within the narration of the facts that are presented sequentially. According to (RÃ ¼sen, 2), the best definition of history must include the sense and meaning within the expression of time in the past, present and future. The connectivity of these aspects of time utilizes the main mental form of presentation that narration offers. Narration gives past, present and future some meaning to human life by relating experience to expectation. It is therefore correct to state narratives as the form in which history is stored in human minds and assists them to orientate themselves in temporal change. Objectivity in historical narratives has been analyzed to act as a yardstick of validity, integrity and truth in narratives. The main purpose of narrative objectivity can be said to be the linking impact of historical occurrences and the cumulative complement that each part of history gives to the other. In ancient historical narratives, there was lack of linkage of historical ideas from different writers and time. Objectivity was lacking due to the fact that there was no platform to refer one’s work from pre-existing similar ideas. Many inconsistencies were identified in ancient narratives when comparisons of such uniformed texts were done. Later, ancient historical narratives adopted the truth claim of connecting history to valid explanations of events. The validity of the majority of ancient texts is highly questionable, partly due to the fact that the literacy levels were limited. Majority of ancient historical texts were primary sources since the authors were the first to generate and write on the topics. Modern historical narration has however adopted a more literature perspective in offering validity to events and occurrences. Almost every topic in history has been explored and the relevant information backed up in form of databases.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
King of Shaves Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
King of Shaves - Assignment Example The paper outlines the challenges faced by the King of Shaves in the industry using Porter’s five force model and also assesses the generic strategies that the company applies in its operation. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 Findings 5 2.1 Porter’s Five Forces Model 5 2.1.1 Rivalry among Current Competitors 5 2.1.2 Threat of New Entrants 5 2.1.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 5 2.1.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 6 2.1.5 Threat of Substitutes 6 2.2 Analysis of the Challenges Facing King of Shaves Using Porter’s Five Forces Model 6 2.2.1 Rivalry in the Market 6 2.2.2 Threat of New Entrants 6 2.2.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 6 2.2.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 7 2.2.5 Threat of Substitutes 7 2.3 Opportunities and threats for King of Shaves 7 2.3.1 Opportunities 7 2.3.2 Threats 8 2.4 Strategy of King of Shaves 8 2.4.1 Cost Leadership 8 2.4.2 Differentiation Strategy 8 2.5 The Concept of Stakeholder Analysis 9 2.6 King of Shaves’ Stakeholder Framework 9 2.6.1 Stakeholder Framework 9 2.6.2 Mapping Stakeholder Power and Interest 9 3.0 Conclusion 10 1.0 Introduction The King of Shaves is a top UK manufacturer of shaving and skincare products that was founded in 1993 by Will King with a seed capital of ?15,000. King formed the company with his partner Hiten Dayal, under umbrella firm, Knowledge & Merchandising Inc. Since its establishment, the King of Shaves as grown as a brand and overtaken some of the most critical players in the industry. The company is now second to Gillette in the UK market and is picking in the U.S. market as well as other global markets such as China and India among others. However, the company faces strong opposition from its competitors in its growth focus. This report analyses The King of Shaves’ operation industry using Porter’s five force model and also proceed to identify opportunities, strategies of the company and closes stakeholder analysis. 2.0 Findings 2.1 Porter’s Five Forces M odel Michael Porter developed a framework that assists business managers in their strategic decision-making process. Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Model is crucial for exploring the structure of an industry in which an organisation operates. Consequently, managers use the model to establish competitive edge over their market rivals (Ahlstrom & Bruton 2010). Porter’s five forces that drive competition in an industry include: 2.1.1 Rivalry among Current Competitors The extent of rivalry among companies varies from one industry to another. These variations in industry competition levels are of particular interest to strategic analyst. An industry with low level of competition is perceived as disciplined. Ruthless competition may prove detrimental to firms within an industry. 2.1.2 Threat of New Entrants The likelihood of new players getting into the industry also affects the level of competition. An industry with high level of barriers discourages new market participan ts from invading the market and exhibit attractive profit levels for existing firms. On the other hand, an industry with low entry barriers or free entry encourages new entries and exhibits low profitability (Ahlstrom & Bruton 2010). 2.1.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers refers to the ability of buyers to influence an industry. In an industry where the buyer power is strong, the buyers have great control of pricing of products
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Key Differences Between Nature And Nurture Theories Psychology Essay
Key Differences Between Nature And Nurture Theories Psychology Essay Developmental psychology refers to the human development of cognitive abilities and social relationships across a lifetime (Colman, 2006). Understanding development has its importance as it provides insight into human behaviour. Over the years, a vast number of developmental theories that have aimed to offer insight into this matter have been put forward. The debate as to whether development is driven by nature (evolutionary processes) or nurture (environmental factors) or a combination of both fundamentally divides theories in the field and beyond (Maltby, Day Macaskill, 2007). The aim of this essay is to identify and explore the distinctions between nature and nurture theories. Some examples of developmental theories, such as the Maturation Theory, Learning Theory, Nativist theory, and Cognitive theory will therefore be discussed to illustrate these differences. Although the main topic of this essay is that of showing the distinction between nature and nurture theories, some scien tists suggest that in order to understand human development it is important to look at how nature and nurture interconnect not so much to stress the differences between the two (Lerner, 2002). Therefore the interconnections of nature and nurture will be also briefly discussed. Naturists believe that the knowledge humans have about the world is innate. Therefore human development is largely determined by heredity. Conversely, nurturists believe that is the environment which shapes and influences human behaviour. Some early nurturists, such as John Locke have put forward the extreme idea that humans come into this world as blank slates which will later be filled with knowledge acquired by learning and experience (Gross). Nature and nurture represent two radical points of view within the theories of development as if only one or the other would have all the answers as to account about how and why human development happen as it does. These radical views were easy identifiable in the early theories of development such as Gesells Maturation Theory (MT) and Watsons Learning Theory (LT) (Gross) Gesell (1925) believes that maturation is driven by inner, biological factors and that the childs development happens in stages. Conversely, Watson (1925) believed that it is the environment that shapes the human development (Daly, 2004). Watson suggested that the child comes into the world as a blank slate ready to be mould by the experiences he/she will have in the outside world. Ultimately, the environment will determine the direction of human development. For Watson (1925) the developmental process of behaviour is continuous as oppose to gradual as Gessell (1925) proposed (Shaffer). In addition, Watson argued that the nurturist approach is more viable as his findings were obtained by overt observation of human behaviour as opposed to inner, biological forces as described by Gessell which cannot be observed. (Watson). In order to show just how easy children can learn fear and other emotions, Watson has run an experiment with a 9 month old baby called Albert. When Albert was firstly presented with a white rat he played with the rat and showed no fear. After two months, Watson repeated the experiment only that this time a noise was introduced every time baby Albert reached for the rat. Baby Albert learned very quickly to associate fear with the presence of rat. Watsons conclusions were that conditioned emotional responses are learned and they persist. As a result this is what modifies and influences the changes in human development time and time again (Watson). On the other hand Gesell looked at childrens psychomotor development (e.g., grasping) and locomotion (e.g. crawling) and draw the conclusion that these abilities are dictated by the genetic material with which the child is born. These abilities develop naturally determined by an innate timetable, providing that the child is healthy and normal . (Gross) Therefore human development is dictated solely by heredity (Daly). These examples are relevant to the essay question as they underline very well the extreme differences between nature and nurture theories. Another way in which the distinction between nature and nurture theories can be observed is to think about language acquisition. Chomsky put forward the Naturist theory (NT) and suggested that humans are born with an inbuilt language devise. Skinner, on the other hand considers that human learn language as they do with any other behavior. Skinner has put forward to kinds of conditioning: classical and operant. In the classical conditioning he suggests that the child learns by association. For instance, if the word chocolate is followed by chocolate tasting, the child will soon learn that every time he hears the word chocolate will salivate because he/she associates the word with the sweet taste of chocolate. In the operant conditioning children learn by reinforcement (punishment or reward). Therefore learning language is all about nurture (environment, experience). Chomsky thinks that language is used creatively and that the LAD is activated by the environment at a certain age otherw ise it will not happen. For example, Jeanine a 13 year old who was kept in isolation by her father was not exposed to language. She was never able to use language properly again. This backs up Chomsky hypothesis that language is innate and if it is not learned by a certain age it will never be acquired. These theories are yet another example of how different the views of naturist are in comparison with nurturists. However, all these theories that have been discussed so far in order to underline the distinction between nature and nurture fail in one way or another to construct the whole picture of how human development happens. Maybe a better insight into human development will be therefore obtained by looking at the interconnection of nature and nurture as Piaget explained when he put forward his Cognitive Theory. Piaget saw develeopemnt in a different manner. He believed that humans are born with biological ability of adapting to environament. In other words, humans are coming into this world genetically predisposed to develop and acquire knowledge and inteligence. Piaget idea was developed around two major concepts: assimilation and accomodation. Assimilation refers to the fact the humans have the cappacity to assimiltate new information and integrate it into already established structures. HE named these already exisiting structures schemata or the mental structure. Accomodation refers to t he change which takes place in the mental structure that already exisit in order to make space for new incoming knowledge. Intelligence is highly dependent upon the interconnection bewteeen assimilation and association. Piaget also believed that development happens in stages and that younger children think different then older children and adults. He identified 4 stages: sensori motor, pre-operational, concrete operational , formal operational. Piaget through his cognitive theory identified the importance of understanding that human development cannot be sexplaiend entierly just by taking into account the only the nature factor or only the nurture factorolely. The genetic material with which humans come into the world needs and environment in order to develop and grow and also the environment cannot influence a entirely a blank slate. To summaries, as shown an enormous amount of work has gone into studies set out to investigate the human development. Moreover, these theories have looked at how humans develop their personality, intelligence, how they interact with family and peers and how that affects their development and what forces drives this development. Although plenty of evidence has been presented in order to support either side in this nature versus nurture debate it seems almost illogical to try and think that human development can be either influenced only by nature or nurture. The most logical evidence so far has been provided by those scientists who have suggested that there is the interconnection of nature and nurture which drives development, shapes human personality and behaviour and makes humans who they are. Piaget maybe one of the most active researcher in this field has shown that human behaviour cannot be understood by only taking into account just the nature aspect or just the nurture aspect. Nature and nurture interconnect, human development cannot happen without one or the other. The genetic material with which humans come into the world needs and environment in order develop and grow and also the environment cannot shape entirely a blank slate. A better insight into human development can be obtained if scientists focus more on the interconnection between nature and nurture rather than looking at the differences between the two.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Plot Develops The Meaning Of The Title In The Stone Angel :: Stone Angel
Plot Develops The Meaning Of The Title In The Stone Angel  In The Stone Angel, Margaret Lawrence portrays a woman attempting to understanding herself and her life. Hagar is the narrator of the book. She is ninety, and is trying to avoid an old aged home where her son Marvin, and Marvin’s wife Doris want to put her. During this her attempt to move to Shadow Point and live alone, Hagar remembers the many parts of her life and her life story is revealed to the reader in that fashion. Hagar grew up in Manawaka, in the prairies. Hagar’s mother died while giving birth to her, and her father Jason Currie had a great stone angel brought from Italy at a great expense for Mrs. Currie’s grave. Hagar had two brothers, Matt and Daniel. Daniel was a lazy boy, and was very delicate physically. Daniel died at eighteen of pneumonia. Matt intended to go to university, but Hagar was sent by her father. Matt married, but never had children, and died of disease without putting up a fight in his death bed. Hagar eventually goes to university and returns to marry Brampton Shiptley, against her fathers’ will. At that point she loses contact with her father. Hagar eventually regrets marrying Bram, who often embarrasses her. Hagar and Bram have two boys, Marvin and John. Hagar never really loves Marvin, and when he moves out, she moves out with John. She loves him, and does everything for him. They eventually return to Manawaka when Brampton is dying. At that point John is in love with Arlene, something Hagar does not understand nor approve of. John tragically dies while performing a stunt while drunk. Hagar moves to the coast, buys a house, and ends up living her last days with Marvin and his wife Doris. Shortly before her death Hagar realizes many things about herself. First of all that her heart is made of stone, secondly that she has a lot of pride like her father, and thirdly that she is blind, or in other words she can only see things from one perspective, her own. These characteristics and those of the stone angel, which was made of stone, was erected out of pride, and has
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Market research
The company/brand selected for the research proposal project Is Wall-Mart. INTRODUCTION Wall-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Wall-Mart, Is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered In Bonneville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 27 countries, under a total 55 different names. It operates in India as Best Price.The company is the world's largest public corporation, the biggest private employer in the oral with over two million employees and the largest retailer in the world. Wall-Mart is a family-owned business, as the company Is controlled by the Walton family, who own over 50 percent of Wall-Mart through their holding company, Walton Enterprises. It is also one of the world's most valuable companies and is also the largest grocery retailer in the US. The partnership between Birth Enterprises and Wall-Mart has been dissolved.Now Walter India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall-Mart Stores Inc. Walter India owns and operates 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale stores in 8 states across India. Division of wall-mart: Neighborhood Markets (groceries) Cam's Club (membership) Discount stores (FMC & apparels) Wall-Mart superstructures (groceries) THE PROBLEMS FACED BY WALL-MART Late entry Overlook competitors Destroy small businesses Joint venture & Nationalism Culture difference Suppliers Government Regulations The problem which is looked at In this research project is government regulation.The statement of the problem- The problem which Is looked at In this research project Is the government for retail global companies makes it difficult to make any development in India so Wall-Mart wants to launch e-commerce. Objective of the study- it is to see how Wall-Mart will make a difference in the economy by online purchases. To see how the Indian market responds to e-commerce and wil l it help in increasing sales of the company. What will India do for Wall-Mart?Wall-Mart needs India, and it needs success in India. At the same moment as the Joint venture in India was announced this weekend, Wall-Mart announced something stunning about its November financial performance. In the US, in stores that have been open at least a year, sales actually fell compared to last year. Same-store US sales fell Just 0. 1% – the decline comes to about $mm. It wouldn't have been a decline at all if each US store had sold Just $1 ,250 a week in additional merchandise.The performance is chilling because it's only the second time in 25 years that Wall- Mart's same-store sales haven't grown. The truth is that while the US still accounts for more than 70% of Wall-Mart's sales, the country is full up with Wall-Marts: 53% of Americans already live within five miles of a Wall-Mart, and 90% live within 15 miles. If an American wants to shop at Wall-Mart, he or she already is. So if Wa ll-Mart is going to continue to grow, it must tap new and receptive markets like India. What will Wall- Mart do to India?The mood about Wall-Mart in the United States is conflicted, at best. For two years, there has been a noisy national debate about Wall-Mart's impact – low prices, yes, but also low wages, poor working conditions, small merchants swept away, manufacturers squeezed. In the recent Congressional elections, prominent Democrat politicians routinely attacked Wall-Mart, despite the fact that millions of Democrat voters shop there every week. In developing nations, in contrast, the arrival of Wall- Mart stores is still greeted with gratitude.But will Wall-Mart bring with it to India exactly the kind of business practices that cause resistance to it in the US? Indian's retail market is likely to be transformed over the next 10 years, and Wall-Mart is determined to be part of that. When a superstore opens that can do $1 m or $mm in business a week, it's going to vacuu m sales away from small merchants. Yes, Wall- Marts, and all hyper marts, create hundreds of Jobs. But there is a big difference between being a shopkeeper, and working in a store for mega-corporation.But at this Indian's elected officials want to understand what happens when Wall-Mart arrives, hey need only consult local officials in China or Mexico or Missouri. And if Indian officials want to both usher in a new consumer era, and preserve some of the traditional aspects of Indian commerce, they need to act now – with zoning laws, with rules on the size of stores and the hours they may be open – before the hyper marts roll in. Once they dot the landscape, as we've discovered in the US, it's too late to do anything but mourn the traditional ways of shopping.SECONDARY RESEARCH FINDINGS Wall-Mart will open 50 cash-and carry-stores in the country in the next 4-5 years, a eve that will strengthen the presence of the retail major in the wholesale segment. The announcement c omes a day after the Bops manifesto declared that the party will not allow foreign direct investment (FAD) in the multi-brand retail segment if it forms the next government. The BGP, in its manifesto unveiled Monday, said that it is not in favor of FAD in the multi-brand retail sector, though it was open to FAD in all other sectors if it led to Job and asset creation.However, the company has refrained from entering the sector, citing stringent conditions related to mandatory 30 per cent local rouging. Given that 100 per cent FAD is allowed in the cash and carry segment, this sector presents an opportunity to the company to make in-roads in the vast Indian market. In a statement, Walter also said that it will launch business-to-business (BIB) e-commerce platform for members of its cash and carry ‘Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores'. â€Å"Walter is committed to India and we are excited about our growth plans.We will continue to focus on the cash and carry format as we are very happy with the way it has shaped up in the last few years. The format is also poised o grow in India and we would like to serve the growing customer base by opening 50 new cash and carry stores over the next four-five years and extend the e-commerce platform to our cash and carry members with a virtual shopping opportunity,†Scott Price, president and CEO, Walter Asia, said, in the statement. The retailer currently has 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores in the country.The first store opened in Marital in May 2009. Currently, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in single brand retail, and 51 per cent is allowed in the multi-brand retail sector. Also, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in BIB e-commerce, but not in BBC e-commerce. Price also said that the company will take â€Å"a number of important steps to strengthen compliance so that we do the right thing everyday'. â€Å"We are evaluating and reinforcing procedures and programs relating to all compliance areas†¦ And responsibl e sourcing among others,†Price added.PEST ANALYSIS Strong opposition to FAD in Indian's retail sector Taxation police – VAT Low access to banking facilities Economic analysis: GAP growth Foreign investments Money supply Inflation Social analysis: Corporate social responsibility Environmental safety Ease of shopping Technological analysis: Retail media network ERP system Online shopping CRM system CONSUMER ANALYSIS What will Wall-Mart do for Indian consumers? Wall-Mart will be a sensation in India – as it has been in China and in Mexico.At the moment, there is Just a single hyper mart in the whole country, in Iambi. Indian's rapidly growing middle class has more money to spend than any previous generation – but no place to spend it. Just 7% of retail spending in the country is in what westerners would consider â€Å"organized†retail stores. Even in China, that number is 20%. So Wall-Mart's acres of low-cost merchandise from around the world, gather ed under a single roof, will be like a carnival for a slice of Indian consumers.Wall-Mart store openings in developing nations are frequently huge events – tens of thousands of Chinese show up when new stores open there – and with good reason. People everywhere are grateful to have the products of the world delivered to their doorstep at affordable prices. Competitors are competitors within an industry. Competition in the industry can be weak with few competitors that don't compete very aggressively or it can be intense tit many competitors fighting in a cut-throat environment.Key competitors of Walter in the retail sectors are: VA Barilla Group- It has a strong presence in apparel retail and owns renowned brands like Allen Solely, Louis Phillips, Trouser Town, Van Houses and Peter England. The company has started to expand aggressively to compete with other players. Trend- It is subsidiary of the Data group, operates lifestyle retail chain, book and music chain consum er electronics chain etc. Landmark Group K Rajah Crop Group Reliance Pantaloon Others stores are: Big bazaar Spencer Careful & metro are the main wholesale cash-and-carry brands. Market research The company/brand selected for the research proposal project Is Wall-Mart. INTRODUCTION Wall-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Wall-Mart, Is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered In Bonneville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 27 countries, under a total 55 different names. It operates in India as Best Price.The company is the world's largest public corporation, the biggest private employer in the oral with over two million employees and the largest retailer in the world. Wall-Mart is a family-owned business, as the company Is controlled by the Walton family, who own over 50 percent of Wall-Mart through their holding company, Walton Enterprises. It is also one of the world's most valuable companies and is also the largest grocery retailer in the US. The partnership between Birth Enterprises and Wall-Mart has been dissolved.Now Walter India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall-Mart Stores Inc. Walter India owns and operates 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale stores in 8 states across India. Division of wall-mart: Neighborhood Markets (groceries) Cam's Club (membership) Discount stores (FMC & apparels) Wall-Mart superstructures (groceries) THE PROBLEMS FACED BY WALL-MART Late entry Overlook competitors Destroy small businesses Joint venture & Nationalism Culture difference Suppliers Government Regulations The problem which is looked at In this research project is government regulation.The statement of the problem- The problem which Is looked at In this research project Is the government for retail global companies makes it difficult to make any development in India so Wall-Mart wants to launch e-commerce. Objective of the study- it is to see how Wall-Mart will make a difference in the economy by online purchases. To see how the Indian market responds to e-commerce and wil l it help in increasing sales of the company. What will India do for Wall-Mart?Wall-Mart needs India, and it needs success in India. At the same moment as the Joint venture in India was announced this weekend, Wall-Mart announced something stunning about its November financial performance. In the US, in stores that have been open at least a year, sales actually fell compared to last year. Same-store US sales fell Just 0. 1% – the decline comes to about $mm. It wouldn't have been a decline at all if each US store had sold Just $1 ,250 a week in additional merchandise.The performance is chilling because it's only the second time in 25 years that Wall- Mart's same-store sales haven't grown. The truth is that while the US still accounts for more than 70% of Wall-Mart's sales, the country is full up with Wall-Marts: 53% of Americans already live within five miles of a Wall-Mart, and 90% live within 15 miles. If an American wants to shop at Wall-Mart, he or she already is. So if Wa ll-Mart is going to continue to grow, it must tap new and receptive markets like India. What will Wall- Mart do to India?The mood about Wall-Mart in the United States is conflicted, at best. For two years, there has been a noisy national debate about Wall-Mart's impact – low prices, yes, but also low wages, poor working conditions, small merchants swept away, manufacturers squeezed. In the recent Congressional elections, prominent Democrat politicians routinely attacked Wall-Mart, despite the fact that millions of Democrat voters shop there every week. In developing nations, in contrast, the arrival of Wall- Mart stores is still greeted with gratitude.But will Wall-Mart bring with it to India exactly the kind of business practices that cause resistance to it in the US? Indian's retail market is likely to be transformed over the next 10 years, and Wall-Mart is determined to be part of that. When a superstore opens that can do $1 m or $mm in business a week, it's going to vacuu m sales away from small merchants. Yes, Wall- Marts, and all hyper marts, create hundreds of Jobs. But there is a big difference between being a shopkeeper, and working in a store for mega-corporation.But at this Indian's elected officials want to understand what happens when Wall-Mart arrives, hey need only consult local officials in China or Mexico or Missouri. And if Indian officials want to both usher in a new consumer era, and preserve some of the traditional aspects of Indian commerce, they need to act now – with zoning laws, with rules on the size of stores and the hours they may be open – before the hyper marts roll in. Once they dot the landscape, as we've discovered in the US, it's too late to do anything but mourn the traditional ways of shopping.SECONDARY RESEARCH FINDINGS Wall-Mart will open 50 cash-and carry-stores in the country in the next 4-5 years, a eve that will strengthen the presence of the retail major in the wholesale segment. The announcement c omes a day after the Bops manifesto declared that the party will not allow foreign direct investment (FAD) in the multi-brand retail segment if it forms the next government. The BGP, in its manifesto unveiled Monday, said that it is not in favor of FAD in the multi-brand retail sector, though it was open to FAD in all other sectors if it led to Job and asset creation.However, the company has refrained from entering the sector, citing stringent conditions related to mandatory 30 per cent local rouging. Given that 100 per cent FAD is allowed in the cash and carry segment, this sector presents an opportunity to the company to make in-roads in the vast Indian market. In a statement, Walter also said that it will launch business-to-business (BIB) e-commerce platform for members of its cash and carry ‘Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores'. â€Å"Walter is committed to India and we are excited about our growth plans.We will continue to focus on the cash and carry format as we are very happy with the way it has shaped up in the last few years. The format is also poised o grow in India and we would like to serve the growing customer base by opening 50 new cash and carry stores over the next four-five years and extend the e-commerce platform to our cash and carry members with a virtual shopping opportunity,†Scott Price, president and CEO, Walter Asia, said, in the statement. The retailer currently has 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores in the country.The first store opened in Marital in May 2009. Currently, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in single brand retail, and 51 per cent is allowed in the multi-brand retail sector. Also, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in BIB e-commerce, but not in BBC e-commerce. Price also said that the company will take â€Å"a number of important steps to strengthen compliance so that we do the right thing everyday'. â€Å"We are evaluating and reinforcing procedures and programs relating to all compliance areas†¦ And responsibl e sourcing among others,†Price added.PEST ANALYSIS Strong opposition to FAD in Indian's retail sector Taxation police – VAT Low access to banking facilities Economic analysis: GAP growth Foreign investments Money supply Inflation Social analysis: Corporate social responsibility Environmental safety Ease of shopping Technological analysis: Retail media network ERP system Online shopping CRM system CONSUMER ANALYSIS What will Wall-Mart do for Indian consumers? Wall-Mart will be a sensation in India – as it has been in China and in Mexico.At the moment, there is Just a single hyper mart in the whole country, in Iambi. Indian's rapidly growing middle class has more money to spend than any previous generation – but no place to spend it. Just 7% of retail spending in the country is in what westerners would consider â€Å"organized†retail stores. Even in China, that number is 20%. So Wall-Mart's acres of low-cost merchandise from around the world, gather ed under a single roof, will be like a carnival for a slice of Indian consumers.Wall-Mart store openings in developing nations are frequently huge events – tens of thousands of Chinese show up when new stores open there – and with good reason. People everywhere are grateful to have the products of the world delivered to their doorstep at affordable prices. Competitors are competitors within an industry. Competition in the industry can be weak with few competitors that don't compete very aggressively or it can be intense tit many competitors fighting in a cut-throat environment.Key competitors of Walter in the retail sectors are: VA Barilla Group- It has a strong presence in apparel retail and owns renowned brands like Allen Solely, Louis Phillips, Trouser Town, Van Houses and Peter England. The company has started to expand aggressively to compete with other players. Trend- It is subsidiary of the Data group, operates lifestyle retail chain, book and music chain consum er electronics chain etc. Landmark Group K Rajah Crop Group Reliance Pantaloon Others stores are: Big bazaar Spencer Careful & metro are the main wholesale cash-and-carry brands.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Walden questions
Thoreau reasons for leaving Walden Pond and how does he relate them to the habits people develop? Thoreau initial reason for coming to Walden was to live as many lives as possible. He left stating â€Å"l left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. †(933) This means that Thoreau left because he had other experiences to live through. He was done with this segment of his life, and he did not want to live a routine life like many people are stuck in. He wanted to see the oral in many different lifestyles, staying in Walden would not help him achieve this. ) What is and is not important to Thoreau based on what he says? Thoreau believes that doing all these trivial, small things in unimportant. There is not much to gain from getting small new objects or completing small tasks. All it does is over complicate life and turn it into a mess. â€Å"In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, no r poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. (933) Simplicity, as ironic as it sounds, is important.Simplicity makes life look clear, it does not clog up thoughts or shroud dreams like a complicated life would. A person's brain is clear to make a path of their own with a simple life, nothing Is In the way. 3) What did Thoreau hope to learn from his experience? What did he actually learn? Thoreau went to Walden to live a different life, In no rush to find economical success unlike most men. At Walden, he reflects to people In such a hurry to achieve heir dreams while losing track of It because of their rush. The life In us Is Like the water in the river. It may rise this year higher than man has ever known It, and flood the parched uplands; even this may be the eventful year, which will drown out all our muskrats. †(938) When going for an achievement In a less forced and more natural way, the Individual has potential to go further, Like water. Thoreau realizes this from his stay at Walden. Everyone has a light Inside them, and their Jobs Is to keep It alive and breathing by not forcing through life.
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